Teacher substitutions: for some years the requests for making the MAD available have become not only a practice to deal with exhausted school classifications, but also a necessity to be able to ensure the substitution of the absent teacher in a short time.
For several years there has been talk of the need to “standardize” the DAMs to make them enter the scope of the possibility of substitution, both to meet the needs of schools and teachers who for professional or personal reasons may feel the need to change province.
Despite a timid reference to a “comparative procedure” included in the substitute circular for 2019/20, the attribution has never had a specific regulation, leaving the School Directors the full responsibility of choosing the best teacher for the substitution to confer, with limitation only for alternates in a support position.
The new substitute circular for the 2020/21 school year
The circular published by the Ministry on September 5, 2020 modifies the MAD system.
The Ministry writes: “As school ratings run out, including ratings for neighboring schools, the principal makes use of aspiring teachers who have applied for MAD.
“Requests for availability must be submitted exclusively by teachers who are not registered in any provincial and school ranking and can be submitted for a province to be explicitly declared in the app “
Crazy, could they just be residual?
Given the update of the substitute rankings, with the creation of a second GPS support for nursery and primary education made up of graduates in primary education sciences, and a GPS II support made up of teachers with three years of service without qualifications specialization for the corresponding degree, the DAM can only be residual. But to date we do not know, nor can it be stated with certainty for all kinds of competition in all provinces.
What if I sent MAD before circulating?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions these days. In our opinion, nothing happens, the Managers simply will not take it into consideration or if they need it they will find out how to use it. Provincial school offices could help find this missing information by providing support to schools.
What if you send MAD anyway?
The teachers who at the time of the publication of the GPS realized that in the chosen province they will have little chance of being able to wait for a replacement, looked with hope at the candidacy for other provinces.
Now they ask what could be the consequences of submitting the MAD anyway and eventually accepting the assignment despite being enrolled in other rankings.
Our advice is to fill any request for availability with truthful statements, that is, do not declare that you are not registered in other rankings. A
What could happen to a replacement made despite the ban?
The circular on substitutes does not identify a specific sanction for those who do not respect what is stated in it.
The circular does not even identify the consequences of a substitution made in contravention of the prohibition. This will most likely only become clear in two years, when the rankings will have to be updated again.
In this circumstance, if the circular is respected, the assessable score should be that of a single province, or that of GaE / GPS or that of the availability request. It should not be possible to evaluate the service performed in two different provinces.
Therefore, the risk is to see the possible score of the service canceled.
For some teachers it could be a risk to run, if the alternative is to be left without a substitute in the two years of validity of the rankings. In fact, at an economic and contributory level, the substitution could still be considered valid (but to date there is no certainty).
For these reasons, in our opinion, unions should ask the Ministry for specific indications on these issues that are not answered in the circular.
What are the rules if I accept a MAD substitute?
- If more requests are received, school administrators will prioritize qualified teachers and specialized teachers.
- Provision requests made in self-certification in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 445/2000, possibly integrated if already filed, must contain all declarations
necessary to allow for timely verification of the above requirements by school administrators, including details of grade and / or grade achievement
specialization. - The fixed-term contracts stipulated with candidates not included in the ranking and through the so-called MAD are subject to the same restrictions and criteria established in the ordinance, including the sanctions provided for in article 14.
The alternate circular for the 2020/21 school year