“The stabilization of the health situation is the priority of this Back to school “ Macron confirms in the days when France registers new records of infections, more than 6 thousand in the last twenty-four hours and in four days they reopen schools for 12 million children and young people. “The government’s strategy – Macron explains – is to live with the virus, that is not to stop economic, educational and social life.” The government has decided to impose the wearing of masks throughout Paris. Throughout the summer there were mixed messages from the authorities and covered faces were rare in the capital. Today the music has changed. “Masks do a lot, but not everything,” says Macron, also recommending hand washing and distancing. In recent days, a debate had been unleashed about whether the state should pay everyone for masks. “A crazy debate” says Macron. On the hypothesis of a new general blockade, Macron is humble. “We have discovered in recent months – says the president – that the unthinkable can never be ruled out. The lockdown is the oldest measure of companies to protect themselves from epidemics. But we are doing everything possible to avoid it. “
The French president reiterated that he is the European leader with the most intransigent line with the new sultan. While reiterating that Ankara is an essential partner on immigration and the energy market, Macron has faced a number of examples of how Erdogan, according to France, does not behave as a NATO ally. “It is not when he takes it out on our Kurdish allies without coordinating or warning us. It is not when jihadists are imported into Libya. It is an unacceptable attitude.” The president speaks of a “red line policy” to contain Turkey’s ambitions. “But words must be followed by actions.” And so, he says, the French military maneuvers in the eastern Mediterranean are explained. Macron specifies: “We have not deployed an army but we want to reaffirm that we are a power in the region and we will respond to provocations.” On a possible isolation of his duel with Erdogan, he responds: “France is no longer alone. Germany and other European partners are also realizing that Erdogan’s agenda is a problem.”
Erdogan’s challenge in the Mediterranean: “We will take ours”
Macron was the first Western leader to go to the country of Cedars after the political and social crisis, and he will return to Beirut next Monday, on the occasion of the celebration of the creation of the Lebanese state. “My line is clear: necessity without interference. The system has been blocked and prevents carrying out essential reforms due to the anti-corruption law, reform of the energy sector, restructuring of the banking system ”. With Lebanon, Macron recalls, France has “a history of friendship and affection.” For us it represents one of the few examples in the region of coexistence between cultures and religions, a pluralistic model ”. On the Lebanese tinderbox, the activism of the French leader, who also met with a representative of Hezbollah, has not yet borne fruit but shows determination. “I have no hidden papers, but I have convinced American and European interlocutors that France is an honest broker to organize mediation.”
About the poisoning of Aleksey Navalnyj The French president, who originally proposed to welcome the Russian opponent, reiterates: “We are extremely concerned about this situation, and we will demand that it be made clear, with full transparency.” Macron began an open dialogue with more than a year ago Vladimir Putin. An attempt to thaw with the Russian leader whom he defines as “without naivety.”
The non-recognition of the elections was a necessary first step, but now a dangerous test of strength remains to be emerged. Macron sees the risk of escalation as in Ukraine. “As I told Putin, any external intervention, starting with that of the Russian forces, would lead to internationalization. And it would be frowned upon.” The talks with Moscow focus on a possible political mediation entrusted to the OSCE. “Putin told me he is in favor, but he has yet to convince Lukashenko.”
Regarding a possible re-election of Donald trump with which the initial bromance has cooled a bit: “It is not my job to wish or not the re-election of an international executive, it is my duty to do everything possible to work well with those who are elected. In the current context – it simply says Macron: It is important that the United States fully play its role as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, participating in multilateral issues, in conflict resolution. ” America, the French leader concludes, is “an essential partner in collective security.” But, he adds, “Europe must be more sovereign, assuming its responsibilities, regardless of electoral trends” in the United States.
Economic crisis
Macron affirms that France is “one of the most generous countries in the world, where the cost of the crisis falls more on the state through partiel chômage, the equivalent of redundancies and guaranteed loans. After an initial response in March.” With the emergency plan, the government will present on Thursday the “France Relance” package that is not limited to stimulus measures. “We do not want to give only a response to the crisis but to build a stronger France,” says Macron, who has set the horizon for 2030. The French leader also explains that Europe has learned the lesson of the previous economic crisis. “At that time it was decided to raise taxes a lot and the result was a sharp degradation of the middle class.” Macron welcomes an effective monetary policy. and coordinated that maintains low rates and spreads. “This is what the United States has been doing for some time,” he stresses, recalling that in the 1930s Europe chose a deflationary monetary policy “with the risk of leading to chaos and political and social instability.”