M5S: “Thank you Minister Azzolina for the overtime, the school continues to attend”



“The right to education cannot be the first to be sacrificed in an emergency situation: keeping schools open means continuing to defend, as we have done so far, the interests of male and female students. We are proud of the choice made with the last Dpcm and we recover the work that was done ”.

Thus the deputies and deputies of Movement 5 Stars in the Culture Committee.

“In recent months, everything possible has been done, especially thanks to Minister Azzolina, whom we thank for her extraordinary commitment to reopen schools safely. The results are there, confirmed by all the monitoring and health experts. The president of the CSS, Franco Locatelli, also recently reiterated this: the contribution of the school to the spread of infections is absolutely limited. So, if there are, as is true, places at risk, they are certainly not those in our schools. For months the school was unjustly attacked, but we defended it and prepared it to face an objectively difficult school year in the best possible way. Keeping it open now requires the commitment of every citizen: having responsible behavior is more than ever essential “, conclude the spokespersons for pentastellati.

