
On the day of the month, Brothers from Italy makes the funeral in 5 star movement, inside and outside the Montecitorio Court. After protesting at home wearing the shirt “M5s = Mi” FdI deputies led by the leader Giorgia Meloni set up a flash mob in front of the plaza, setting up a kind of auction with a lot of auctioneers (an executive from the National Youth Executive) to remember how the majority approved the reform of the Month auction Italy in exchange for their armchairs.

We are here to denounce one more betrayal against Italians perpetrated above all by the M5s that in their program promised the dismantling of the Month and instead today votes for a reform that in the case of access of a State to the Fund would probably entail the obligation to Debt restructuring what it means to collapse Italian banks who have Italian stocks and volatilize billions of Italian savings. “Meloni defines it as” a unworthy betrayal for those who had made revolutionary promises, we would have expected it from the left, we expected the M5s to make another choice, but they also indulge in enemies of Italy that, to keep their seats, they sell and give up from dignity to the savings of Italians ”.