M5s against the government in Tav. In the House Transport Committee this morning on the agenda was the vote of a majority resolution, signed by Gariglio (Pd), in which -with the premise of giving the go-ahead to continue the agreement with Telt and Railways for the Tav plan – the renegotiation of the agreement with the EU was requested, so the part related to the financing of Italy was reduced and the participation of Brussels was increased, but at the same time 100 million more were granted to allocate to the Italian territories affected by the work.
The government with undersecretary dem Morani had expressed a favorable opinion. The M5s – parliamentary sources report to AGI reconstructing what happened this morning in Montecitorio – said they wanted to present an alternative motion and then when it came time to vote on the majority resolution, they abandoned the work of the Commission. The majority resolution passed, report center-right parliamentary sources, with the votes of the opposition. It is especially Italy alive to have raised the internal problem to the majority with the deputy Nobili. “If M5s does not want to carry out large works and says no to the infrastructures, there is an open question in the majority,” he explained, as the Renzian representative has learned, also referring to the funds that arrive from the EU in the ‘Recovery Plan ‘.
Once again, the united center-right saves Tav from the anti-development fury of the 5-star movement. Only thanks to the decisive votes of Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia in the Chamber’s Transport Committee was the planning contract between the Ministry of Infrastructure, Railways and Telt approved for the financing of the Tav. Without the votes of the center-right – with the 5 stars that left the classroom and left the majority to their fate – the contract would have been rejected by blocking the work and exposing Italy to an international fool ”, all the deputies of the Commission of Transport of Lega, Forza Italia and Hermanos de Italia.
“After weeks of meetings and hearings, today the conditions are lacking to vote yes to the scheme of the Program Agreement for Turin-Lyon, so we left the classroom.” Thus in a note the deputies and deputies of the 5 Star Movement in the Transportation Commission. “A decision – they explain – that is in no way an act hostile to the majority, but has matured after having encountered numerous critical problems from the legal, regulatory and contractual point of view. The program’s contract scheme represents the formal perimeter within which the Italian State, Telt and FS Group will have to work in the coming years ”.
The denounced are “critical issues that, in our opinion, should be resolved before signing. To date, in fact, we do not know what the real economic commitment of Italy will be or what the coverage of the EU contributions will be. What we do know, however, is that Turin-Lyon represents, as we have said several times, an uneconomical project, with high operating costs and absolutely unclear infrastructure traffic forecasts. In addition, the EU directive, implemented by decree in 2015 by our country, allows the financing to the Member States of the railway infrastructures, solely and exclusively to the managers of the national railway infrastructures, a qualification that neither the Italian Railways nor Turin- Lyon (Telt) have “.
“Finally, the controversies that may arise will be defined by the French authorities, another imbalance to the detriment of Italy. On the table, therefore, there is only one unanswered question: who will have to pay the enormous costs of a work considered bankrupt from the beginning? Our position is based on concrete and formal facts with potentially significant repercussions for Italy. And today the facts prove us right ”, conclude the M5 parliamentarians.