Patuanelli: “Our field is progressive, we build alliances with the dem”
And, even without mentioning it, he blames the jubilation expressed by the leaders of 5 Stelle, in particular by Luigi di maio: “The collapse of the M5S is not lost in all electoral rounds, from the European elections of 2019 to today, with serious responsibilities for those who have never wanted to initiate a moment of internal reflection since then, they have not had the courage to convene states general , did not manage the previous regionals in Calabria and Emilia, leaving the groups in disarray, never took any position to build serious projects in the territories, and then decided to resign certainly not after having recognized failure, but only to go away a poisoned ball in the hands of his successor, who was inevitably a boatman but did not have the legitimacy to make important decisions ”.
As if to say, it is not possible to attribute all the responsibility to the regent, Vito Crimi. And she adds: “Citizens need to believe in a project, get excited, see that something moves for a different purpose and superior to the simple shelter of their own chair. Otherwise, if you continue like this, you end up as Narcissus. “.
Meanwhile, something is happening in the Movement: the joint assembly of deputies and senators of the M5S has been called for Thursday, September 24. On the agenda, we read in the convocation mail, General states and reorganization of the Movement.