The Turin ruling and the electoral round upset the governors’ plans. The idea of a board of directors led by Chiara Appendino collapses with the self-suspension of the mayor of the M5S after the sentence. You cannot compete for leadership. And it puts an end to the idea of Luigi Di Maio, who first hypothesized a ticket between Appendino and Di Battista (talking about it with various exponents in the days after his resignation as political leader) and then had toyed with – once he encountered the difficulties of bringing the former Roman deputy line of governors – the possibility of entrusting Appendino with the direction of the eventual future structure.
And the very idea of a table now falters. With Appendino, a reference figure capable of obtaining a transversal appreciation between the currents fails. The sentence opens a fault that is difficult to close in the short term. If the exit polls are confirmed, the Movement runs the risk of delays of less than two digits in half of the votes of the Regions, with important setbacks such as in Liguria or Marche. Figures to be confirmed, which further weaken the position of the governors.
The possibility of voting for a new political leader is back in the spotlight. Also because the idea of a board must be explained in detail before an online vote, precisely because it would be subject to a change in the statute. A difficult path to follow quickly and without the participation of the parliamentary group. In recent days, Vito Crimi spoke with the leaders of the group assuring them, as he also did publicly, the need to choose in a short time. Therefore, the most likely solution is through the election of a new leader who will be entrusted with the decisions for the renewal of the Movement. Di Battista in pole position and Di Maio and the other governors will now be forced to challenge him.
September 21, 2020 (modified on September 21, 2020 | 16:16)