And even the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, is not expected to go. Luigi Di Maio, Alfonso Bonafede, Riccardo Fraccaro, Stefano Patuanelli will be at Palazzo Chigi at 6.30 p.m., for a meeting on 5G called by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte after the postponement of the EU summit due to the quarantine of the president of the European Council, Charles Michel. Also absent was the Deputy Minister of Economic Development Stefano Buffagni, and, in all probability, Laura Castelli, also Deputy Minister but in the Mef.
The absences in weight are such that several deputies and senators wonder if it is appropriate to go and if it is better to defect: this is also a way of sending a signal. The group’s leader in the House, Davide Crippa, sent a ‘doodle’ to verify attendance. Behind the request, the Covid emergency and the need to make adequate spaces available, but there are those who assure that there is more. That is the fear that in the end the assembly will be deserted or almost.
Lombardi: “End of the ‘likecracy'”
“We have at least two good things about the electoral defeat: the end of the ‘likecracy’ within the M5 and the urgency of starting a path to redefine and revive the 5Stelle Movement project ”. This, in short, is Roberta Lombardi’s proposal in a blog post on the Huffington Post.
“To govern a country you need good ideas in the head and good legs on which to execute them. In the territory. Do not publish updates or emotional videos that oversimplify and trivialize complex issues. It is communication that is functional to politics, not to – Lombardi continues – When Beppe said that he wanted the famous Voghera housewife for the government, he did not mean that “one is as good as another”, but that even a citizen who grew up outside of buildings could aspire to serve your country. And succeed. “
Backstory: The storm rages on the M5s
On a day that promises to be hot for the Movement – with the parliamentary groups meeting at 6 in the afternoon – eight disciplinary proceedings are initiated for the “rebels” of the referendum – that is, the parliamentarians who voted no to the cut of deputies and senators – and one thirty for the so-called ‘repayment arrears’. The five-star arbitrators, summoned by statute to decide the sanctions, have formally opened the proceedings, about forty in total, giving, as a general rule, 10 days to those who have ended up in the sights to send the so-called ‘counterarguments’. Only after the defensive memoirs produced by each of the accused parliamentarians have been analyzed will the arbitrators decide what to do.

Anarchy 5S, Crimi left the groups. New attacks in Casaleggio
The eight MPs who openly favored No in the referendum on cutting elected members of the House and Senate are at greater risk: according to the arbitrators, in fact, they would have violated the code of ethics by ignoring what was written in the program.

Referendum, the frond of the grillini for No. Mara Lapia: “Without electoral law, the reform is incomplete and dangerous”
Pacifico: “Numbers at risk with my expulsion? Majority value”
Senator Marinella Pacífico has finished on the list of the ‘bad guys’ of the referees M5S, along with the names of many other colleagues. And, among the parliamentarians who are currently under the scrutiny of the disciplinary college, he is the one who risks the most expulsion. The reason? He sided with No in the referendum on cutting parliamentarians and, according to the tirendiconto.it site, has not made refunds for more than a year.
“It was a matter of conscience,” says the parliamentarian to Adnkronos. I evaluated the possibility of a Yes and a No and the relative consequences. In the end I opted for No. After all, the referendum is a popular demonstration of voting, and as a citizen I felt free to express my preference. As for the rest, I’m still in M5S and I will wait for the response of the referees ”.
And Fico renews his call to “collegiality”
Meanwhile, after the tensions of the last days, the attacks of Alessandro di Battista on the failure of the M5 in the elections and the decision of the Regent Vito Crimi to defect from the assembly this afternoon, the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico renews its appeal to collegiality. And on Radio24 he says: “I don’t think there are splits.”
According to Cinquestelle sources, it appears that the leaders of the House and Senate M5S group, Davide Crippa and Gianluca Perilli, are unaware of the initiation of internal disciplinary procedures. The elected Romans come off the MEPs stationed in Brussels: “Why is nothing done against them?”, Is the question that bounces in the chats and corridors of Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama. But M5S Europe sources deny the favoritism: “For six years and two legislatures, M5S MEPs have made the restitution just like everyone else elected.”