IT IS Paolo Piccardo, 53 years old, owner of an advertising company and well-known event organizer, Turin He died yesterday jumping into the waters of the Tiber in Rome.. Piccardo was in the company of a friend, who jumped into the water but could not save him. It seems that the manager suffered depression due to financial problems. However, investigations by the carabinieri are ongoing into the motives for the gesture.
Piccardo, animator of Turin’s nightlife in the eighties and nineties, founded Wide Communication in 2008, an agency specialized in promoting activities through more than 4,060 kiosks throughout the Italian territory with more than 10,000 spaces available. From the evidence collected, it appears that he was in the company of friends when, on the Ponte Garibaldi, he jumped into the water after having lunch with his respective girlfriends. Not far away also the companion. The attempt to save him from his friend, hospitalized for a beginning of frostbite and already discharged, was futile.
«For me it was the Turin night of the 90s, it was fun and discos, it was afternoons that ended at dawn, it was an excess. A character like you know few in your life. I remember it fondly. And I hope he has found peace ”, is one of the many memories that circulate on Piccardo’s social networks at this time.
Last Updated: Monday, December 7, 2020, 10:57 AM