lunches, visits to family and friends, trips and picnics. What can be done and what is prohibited THE RULES


Easter and Easter Monday in the anti-covid red zone. Until April 5, Italy is in a semi-lockdown. Here are the rules provided on the two days of Easter.

MOTORIZED ACTIVITIES AND SPORTS – Physical activity is always possible, but only in the vicinity of the house. Outdoor sports activities are allowed individually and keeping two meters from the others. You can swim in the sea but sunbathing is prohibited. Many municipalities have decided to close the beaches. Closed sports clubs.

VISITS TO FRIENDS – Although in general it is forbidden to visit the red areas, on Easter weekend it is allowed to visit family or friends once a day and a maximum of two people (in addition to children under 14 years of age who live together).

SECOND BOX – It is possible to reach second homes, as long as there are no ordinances of the Presidents of the Region that impose more restrictive rules: Campania, Puglia and Liguria have prohibited access to second homes for residents and non-residents. For the latter “category”, the ban is also imposed in Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, South Tyrol, Trentino, Tuscany, Marche, Calabria and Sardinia. And on the island, as in Sicily, you can only enter with a negative swab made 48 hours before arrival.

PURCHASES – Closed, like every weekend in the red zone, are the shopping centers and large and medium-sized structures. Open pharmacies and parapharmacies, kiosks and tobacconists, even in shopping centers. Many regions have decided to keep supermarkets open only when they close on Easter and Easter Monday.

Last Updated: Saturday, April 3, 2021, 10:47 PM

