BRUSSELS – The European Parliament has called for sanctions against the Belarusian president Aleksandr Lukashenko, condemning at the same time the violent repression of street demonstrations that took place in Minsk and in all the main cities of the country. In a resolution passed today with 574 votes in favor, 37 against and 82 abstentions, the European Parliament rejected the official results of the so-called “presidential elections” that took place in Belarus on August 9, as they were held “in flagrant violation. of all. internationally recognized standards “.
Once “the term of the outgoing authoritarian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko” expires on November 5, Parliament will no longer recognize him as the country’s president, the text says. Parliament also calls for “new elections as soon as possible” to be held under “international supervision” and “supports Belarusian citizens demonstrating for freedom and democracy”, as well as “condemning the repression of the Internet and the media. “. Among the Italian parties, they voted in favor of the text Pd, M5S, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia. The League abstained.