
The amendment signed by M5, which aims to block the renewal of Italian intelligence leaders, has created one last awkward case in the Giallorossi government, with suspicions crossed between Giuseppe Conte me Luigi di maio. There is talk about the rule included in the Covid decree, launched in July to extend the state of emergency until October 15, which allows the Prime Minister to renew the current leaders of Dis, Aisi and Aise for four more years: this is the sensational, and I suspect, the prime minister’s blow to top-secret services. Fifty grillini, however, led by the first signer Federica Dieni, asked to block – with the amendment presented – the extension to the top of 007, highly desired by the prime minister, to insert it “in secret” in the Covid decree (which has nothing to do with the secret services).
After the presentation of the grillino amendment, the Minister of Relations with Parliament Francesco From hereAfter listening to Conte and the group’s leaders, he decided to put his trust in the decree with the aim of shutting down the government. Immediate reactions from the right and the pentasteladas involved. “The legislation relating to the Services, and therefore to national security, does not concern some or a few but all. I am deeply opposed to the vote of confidence and I want it to be recorded,” Dieni said.
And according to what was revealed in a background of Republic, Palazzo Chigi suspects that behind the grill they move the Foreign Minister, Di Maio, is in fact in hiding. And this is because many of the 5 Stars involved, about twenty, are very loyal to the former political leader of the Movement and share his political line. In short, an amendment signed mostly by parliamentarians of the very strict Dimaian rite. And the suspicions are magnified if we think that more than a month ago Di Maio leaked his opposition to the rule on services, asking that it be removed.
Later here it is the denials of the ritual rain down. Di Maio said: “I am compelled again to deny the imaginative background according to which the undersigned is credited with authorship of the M5S amendment in the field of intelligence. It is absolutely false. of an initiative entirely alien to me. And let’s be a very clear message: no one tries to get me into Palazzo games that don’t belong to me in the most absolute way. ” Denial traced even by Palazzo Chigi. But as has been known for a long time, the relations between Di Maio and Conte are minimal: in this case, ultimately. a denial cannot be enough to erase all doubts.