Luigi de Magistris: “In Naples we are far beyond the red zone”


There is a city overwhelmed by the pandemic and local administrators have been fighting intensely for months. “It seems to me that in Naples, in Campania, we are far beyond the red zone”, says in an interview with Foglio the Neapolitan mayor, Luigi De Magistris, according to which going up to the highest level would be a “late” decision, in the sense that “the sooner you do it, the better. Health care is crazy. The red zone is surpassed by the numbers ”. Numbers that the mayor would like to find out, verify, because he does not trust the Region.

De Magistris reacts to the offenses of the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, who defined him in an even more colorful way than “idiot” and “idiot of the people”, underlining that “De Luca believes that he offends me and, instead, does not more than offending the Neapolitans. and Naples. And do you know why he does it? Because he failed. The Campania model does not exist. “And actually De Luca does not want to close, according to De Magistris” he was obviously afraid, he realized that it is not possible to implement a blockade for a city like Naples. “

The mayor then complains about the absence of the central state. “At the moment they are two letters. One I sent it 15 days ago, another yesterday. No one answers me “. Among the requests there is financial support for the city: “Naples is also made up of an underground economy,” he explains to Foglio, “there is only one measure that can prevent social anger. Expenditure bonuses distributed by the Municipality. Only we can calm down, let off steam ”. Resources are needed, “I ask that my city not face the crossroads, die of covid or starvation.” Also because, he warns, “Naples is a volcano, it is a powder keg, it doesn’t take much to light it.”
