Luciana Lamorgese positive for Covid-19. Di Maio and Bonafede isolated – Chronicle


Rome, December 7, 2020 – The Cabinet was suspended because Luciana Lamorgese it is positive to Covid-19. The Minister of the Interior was infected with the Coronavirus in the test conducted this morning at the Viminale.

Cdm he immediately resumed after the minister left the seat of government: Luciana Lamorgese, asymptomatic, was physically present at the Palazzo Chigi. Government sources made it known that the head of the Ministry of the Interior had learned of the news of his positivity. from an online article from a newspaper.

From Palazzo Chigi they specify that during the meeting all ministers use the mask and respected the distances safety. However, it is known that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the ministers who participated in the CDM will be subjected to a swab.

The meeting at Palazzo Chigi was dedicated to Recovery Fund. A first suspension was made to allow the Minister of the Interior to leave the building. Then the council resumed for about half an hour and ended.

Luciana Lamorgese has no symptoms, We know from sources in the Interior Ministry that the molecular swab that is performed is a routine that the minister undergoes every ten days. After the test, late in the morning, the minister went to Palazzo Chigi to participate in the CDM. As soon as he received confirmation of the positivity from the doctor, Lamorgese left the government building respecting the precautionary measures. Now it’s in isolation.

Buffer for everyone

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and all the ministers present today at the council along with Luciana Lamorgese, will be subjected to a swab to rule out contagion. The Council of Ministers will update tomorrow. The CDM meeting will be held, the time not yet convened strictly by videoconference. Tonight the room will be disinfected from the cdm of Palazzo Chigi.

Di Maio on Facebook: Cheers to Lamorgese.  I will be isolated

Di Maio and Bonafede in isolation

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi di maioand the keeper of the seals Alfonso Bonafede, They will go in fiduciary self-isolation because they were sitting next to the minister. The two M5S ministers were close to the Lamorgese for about 4 hours. For them, the precautionary measures of indirect contact may not have been enough: they could end up in quarantine.

Cheers to the poison of Salvini

Many have hoped for a speedy recovery for Minister Lamorgese, from government colleagues to public security officials. Even the his predecessor Matteo Salvini sends him a message, but with a controversial chatter: “My best wishes for a speedy recovery to Minister Lamorgese. Once cured, which is the most important thing, it will be necessary to clarify whether it is true – as some sources write – that she disobeyed the provisions of his own government, going to the Council of Ministers without waiting for the test result, so to speak the health of others at risk. The minister who controls and fines Italians who do not respect the rules, cannot be the first to not respect them: in this case the resignation would be due“.
