
Gongola, Marco Travaglio, smile printed on his face after the regionals that enclose “su” Giuseppe Conte. He rejoices and does not hide, invited in relation to Half past eight of Lilli gruber, broadcast on La7. And, of course, open fire on him. Matteo salvini, also bringing up Luca zaia, just received from the plebiscitary reconfirmation in Veneto. The same Zaia who has denied a thousand times the ambition to do politics at the national level. But for the director of the Daily occurrenceObviously, denials are not enough. So he pulls the Doge off his jacket, obviously to “exploit” him and propose him as an antagonist to the former interior minister.
Gruber actually asks: “Salvini must now fear Zaia more, Giorgia Meloni Or will he remain the undisputed leader of the center-right? “. And Travaglio begins in fourth place:” Zaia will remake the governor with this plebiscite, and being a real dead cat, very clever and cunningIs there waiting for Salvini to continue losing consensus until, I do not know if Zaia or someone else, decides that it is appropriate to hold a congress and ask a leader for an account that the polls of two years ago gave over 40 to one hundred “says poisonous.

“Immediately – resume – it is clear that the one who bothers him the most is Meloni, because it recovers what it loses. But it is clear that sooner or later someone in the League will stand up to say: how much do we have to bleed for the benefit of FdI? The game is not immediate, it will be consumed in the coming months with the judicial factor: all those rounds of money are not good stories, eh ”, concludes Travaglio with the inevitable reference to the magistrates.