Luca and Sonia, a special wedding. Spouses on Monte Saccarello / History


put the passion For him sport all’aria open and for him Montana and here you can also sapling of love. And that’s how it was Luca Giordano, 41 years old, from Imperia, conductor of the You will be, the municipal company of the capital e Sonia Cassiano, 31 years old, originally from Dolcedo.

Imperia: tall wedding for Luca and Sonia

its passion For him outdoor sport, the bicycle his and hers walk she took them to celebrate he Your marriage even in the summit of mount Saccarello, a fee 2201, the highest peak in Liguria. The fateful “and“Have pdelivered on July 26 before the mayor of Dolcedo Giovanni Danio and even small number of family and friends.

“Be me and my wife – explains Luca Giordano – we adore he our territory, he big, the hill and the Montana. I especially like to enter bicycle, While Sonia prefer the walk and the running. Was this passion a take us a to decide of get marry in summit of the Saccarello, which is also a place important symbolic, how is there there is the border between Imperia and Cuneo, between Italy and France and between Liguria and Piedmont ”.

Luca me Sonia now they live in Caramagna, but they are also in charge of hives, beautiful green frond, a Pietrabruna. In short, they are linked to the entire territory of Western Liguria, which they really carry in their hearts. Also, if not, they wouldn’t have chosen the Saccarello to marry. Well you can tell them they really made a climb to reach happiness, but at the top they reached the greatit is. Thus the wish for them is that, from now on, everything is downhill.

by Andrea Pomati
