Lorenzo Quinn’s new maxi opera will float on the waters of the Sebino


A new great work of land art will take shape with the new year on the shores of Lake Iseo, five years after Christo’s resounding success with The Floating Piers: the first images (indeed, the video: you can see it below) have been published a couple of days ago on the official page of Lorenzo Quinn, the artist who will carry out the work, and on the institutional Facebook of the Municipality of Sulzano.

The new maxi opera on Lake Iseo

Few, very few words, but accompanied by impressive images: “A project for Lake Iseo, Italy,” Quinn writes with some hashtags including #love, #art and #sculpture. But what could Sebino’s new maxi-installation be? The representations speak of two giant hands, according to Quinn’s tradition, holding a planet Earth where the continents are all green, as if they symbolized grass, forest and nature.

Could it be an environmental message? And what better place than Lake Iseo to celebrate it? From what we see, we can imagine that the work, perhaps positioned in front of the bank of the Sulzano, will also be supported by a footbridge, which will cross it until it reaches a small landing, where – as can always be seen in the images – will be possible to imagine a space to gather, sit and more (obviously, if the pandemic allows it).

The new installation, which should be titled “You are the world”, will be created and positioned thanks to the commitment of numerous private sponsors, some of them directly identified by the artist, with the support of public organizations and institutions (as already in 2016 with The Floating docks). The uncertainty of the times remains: with the pandemic underway, it is assumed that work can be ready and usable no earlier than 2022.

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History and memory of Lorenzo Quinn

Lorenzo Quinn, born in 1966, is undoubtedly one of the most internationally known Italian sculptors, also and above all thanks to his (often) gigantic land art installations. He says that he is inspired by Michelangelo, Bernini and Rodin, and sees in the hands of man one of the greatest representations of expressiveness, always seeking – as he himself explains – “eternal values” and “authentic emotions”.

From a biographical point of view, it is curious to know that Lorenzo Quinn is the son of the famous actor (and Oscar winner) Anthony Quinn and his second wife Iolanda Addolori. Lorenzo graduated from New York University in the late 1980s and then continued his studies at the American Academy of Fine Arts (also in New York). He is married to Giovanna Cicutto.

Quinn’s other great works

Among his most “sensational” works it is impossible not to mention “Support”, where two gigantic white hands emerge from the waters of Venice to support a building, but also “Building bridges”, again in Venice, where different hands emerge from the waters, a hug in a symbolic hug that wants to be a witness of love and brotherhood between peoples.
