“From the data collected by the Prevention Departments there is a considerable increase in the trend of infections related to students and school personnel from schools of all levels.” This is how Pier Luigi Lopalco, epidemiologist at the University of Pisa and Councilor for Health and Welfare Policies of the Puglia Region, explains the decision to close all schools in Puglia.
“Each positive event – he explains – activates a huge workload in the health service. Being the subjects included in a class. A positive student generates at least twenty more close family contacts. If a teacher who is in charge of several classes is positive, this number is multiplied more. Translated it means: thousands of people in fiduciary isolation for at least 10 days due to close contact, with all the inconveniences that families endure, especially when the little ones are in quarantine ”.
Puglia, Emiliano: all schools in the Region closed as of October 30. Increase in infections coincided with reopening