Long live Italy, for Renzi the investigations ‘scare’ donors. But between 2019 and 2020 the figures are similar. Here is the list of financiers: there is also a deputy Pd


More than one million 850 thousand euros of donations in two years. To give long life to Alive italy, beyond the electoral consensus. And of the judicial investigations that, for the leader, should “scare” the donors. Among the faithful of contributions are old friends, Davide serra me Wolf Rattazzi, who constantly support the party of Matteo renzi. But also small and large businessmen, who have always been close to the former prime minister, such as the designer Ermanno Scervino. With some surprises: the cooperative Conad Northwest, which ended up in the media spotlight for layoffs in the context of the Auchan acquisition. Or the current Deputy Minister of the Democratic Party Anna Ascani. Less surprising is the financial support of the resort managed by the former deputy of Forza Italia, Davide bendinelli, passed under the Renzian banner. And that sometimes, due to circumstances, plays the double role of businessman and parliamentarian of Italy alive. IV donations in 2020 are not bad at all, despite Renzi complaining that inquiries about the Open foundation keep taxpayers away. And the special section (required by law) shows this transparency of the site, consulted by Ilfattoquotidiano.it. Precious funds, in view of a certainly expected 2021 of the administrative elections. Of the long lists (Italia viva also announces the amount of donations below 500 euros), published month by month in compliance with the transparency law desired by the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, it turns out who are the loyalists to the ex scrapper. From the beginning of the path of Iv.

In 2019, 900 thousand euros were collected. Money also from Ascani – The first contributors are the parliamentarians who approved with Italy alive, after the split in Democratic party. On average, the payment is 500 euros per month. Since birth, Renzian’s creature has thrown away more one million 850 thousand euros. A silent collection, which began in January 2019 in the form of commissions with a few thousand euros, and which had its boom in July, long before Renz’s split took shape: contributions for that month are gone more than 260 thousand euros, thanks above all to the 100,000 euros donated by Daniele ferrero, CEO of Venchi, one of the leading companies in the chocolate sector. The following month, in August, there was a much lower payment, but significant for the profile of those who did it: 1,500 euros came from Anna Ascani, one of the Renzianos of the Democratic Party, who in the end chose not to follow the leader in the break with Nicola Zingaretti. Today he is still with the Democrats, and he is Deputy Minister of Education of the Conte 2 government. The absolute record of donations dates back to October 2019: beyond 330 thousand euro, of which 265 thousand payments of less than 500 euros (and therefore with identity protected by privacy). Last year’s total is 900 thousand euros of donations only.

Until November 2020, 950 thousand euros arrived – But this is history relative to 2019.The first searches ordered by the Florence prosecutor’s office to the financiers of the Open foundation, the former safe of the “Magic Lily” at the center of an investigation for illegal financing, date from November of the same year . The judicial activity of Tuscan prosecutors was defined by the former prime minister as “a image damage Crazy for Italia viva, because those who wanted to finance us did not have the courage to do so ”. So how’s 2020 going for Renzi’s little party? It remains in absolute continuity with 2019: October is, so far, the best fundraising month. In total, between parliamentarians and non-parliamentarians, Italia viva has received from its own amateurs 137 thousand euros and broken. Definitely more than the 99,306 collected in September. A nice leap forward. In fact, in summer it stopped at 109 thousand euros in August and 105 thousand in July. In practice, in just 4 months Iv has raised, through spontaneous donations, also 440 thousand euros. In November, however, it stopped at 97 thousand euros. The total for the first 11 months of 2020 is approximately 950 thousand euros, compared to 900 thousand the previous year: therefore, it cannot be said that the investigations have scared the lenders of Italy alive, as Renzi claims.

Donors: from Agnelli’s son to former MP Fi – Behind the nest of eggs, as well as obviously the parliamentarians, the name of Lupo Rattazzi, businessman son of Susanna agnelli and always close to the former prime minister. Since January, Rattazzi has paid € 105,000 to Italia viva. Only in August he donated 30 thousand euros. In the income of the party there are more figures 20 thousand euros, paid last July by Neos Spa, the airline of which Rattazzi is once again president. To support Renzi there is also another old acquaintance of the “magic lily”, Davide serra. The founder of Algebris, which was one of the main donors of the Open Foundation, has allocated 41,000 euros to the party since January. Then there’s Davide Bendinelli, former Garda mayor elected in 2018 with Go Italy and I passed with Iv, who supported the party through the resort in September Like barbin (As a curiosity, the site is incorrectly reported with the name Bandinelli). The sum is 3,000 euros. To finance the party, although with a small sum of one thousand euros in the last reported month (October), also the Helbiz Italy, which produces the scooters available in various cities with a view to sustainable mobility. The founder and CEO is Salvatore Palella, a Sicilian based in New York, where the headquarters of Helbiz are located, which also has offices in Milan, Belgrade and Singapore.

Tuscan money – In the long list, companies from the Tuscan territory could not be absent. the Dernamaria srl from Bagno a Ripoli which deals, on the other hand, with leather clothing accessories. He is an old acquaintance of Renz: the company makes clothes for Ermanno Scervino, one of the favorite designers of Agnese Landini, wife of the former prime minister. In September he paid 4 thousand euros. The pastry company Savini, based at Figline Valdarno and several stores in Tuscany donated a thousand euros in September. The company is growing so much that in 2017 it acquired the historic Sienese brand Fiore for a price of around 1.5 million euros. Speaking of food, the cooperative is also on the list Conad Northwest. The president of Conad is Valter Geri, linked to Renzi from its Tuscan origins, having been born in Cascina in the province of Pisa. The company, which donated 2,000 euros to Italia viva, has come to light due to the layoffs of workers at Auchan, a brand acquired by Conad Nord-Ovest. The CEO, Francesco Pugliese, urged the then prime minister on the issue of liberalization in 2015. “It would be surprising if Renzi and a government born for change and modernization in Italy, leave everything as is, in the hands of corporate defenses of those who enjoy absolutely obsolete income. Liberalization and competition in the markets are the DNA of a country that wants to change ”, declared the manager. That the beating economic heart gravitates around Tuscany is also attested by other donors, such as Witapp from Florence, an engineering company operating in the field of artificial intelligence. Supporters of IV include tourist trains from Altopascio (Lucca) carried out by Magic Train and Silva srl, ranging from the cleaning sector to the removals, through file management. It is not that donations are not lacking, whether small or large, even from other regions: the partner law firm To struggle, based in Milan, which in July allocated 10,000 euros; or even the same school “Don Mauro”From Villaricca (Naples) who supported the activity of Italia Viva con 1,500 euros. In terms of training, the Formland cooperative, based in Barano d’Ischia, donated 2,000 euros in September.

Boschi’s brother’s money – Believe also in the work of Italia Viva Pietro pavin (payment of 2 thousand euros in September), a Venetian entrepreneur at the head of a fashion empire that has around thirty stores spread throughout Italy, with a turnover of 40 million and 150 employees. However, it is often even the relatives of parliamentarians who allocate small quotas. It is the case of Emanuele Boschi, brother of Maria Elena, ex-minister and group leader in the Chamber: in September he allocated a thousand euros to the party. However, there are also two other names that have already risen to the headlines. Let’s talk about Riccardo me Giulio Maestrelli: both paid a small fee in September (one thousand euros each). Riccardo was appointed by the Renzi government to the board of directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Immobiliare Spa, a public real estate company controlled by the Ministry of Economy. Months ago the news that the Espresso gave of the loan of 700 thousand euros from the mother of the Maestrelli brothers to Renzi for the purchase of the new family villa caused a sensation. By that note, the former secretary of the Democratic Party announced a lawsuit against the weekly. Finally, on the list is also Pietro Colucci, another entrepreneur close to the Renziano world and former president of Kinexia, active in the world of renewable energy. Because through thick and thin, many of Renzi’s friends still see them by his side.
