Outgoing Governor Enrico Rossi attacks health. “This Salvini flutter in Tuscany is not without interest and I think that if the right wins, the interests of private healthcare would rest in Tuscany. Also in the waste. When Ceccardi says he wants an incinerator in all the provinces, he is in the interest of the Milanese who want to come and occupy Tuscany “. He declares himself optimistic: “I think we will definitely win. We are not afraid of anything. Because behind us we have a culture, a feeling. The right wing has always been strong. The mistake that has been made is not having united,” says Rossi, who invites All leftist political forces to give “preference to Giani to strengthen the only candidate who can stop the extreme right.” To greet Rossi, the square stood up: “Thank you all for this wonderful experience. With great pleasure I give the baton to Eugenio”, says the president, now almost ex.
Giani closes his election campaign on stage. “We have chosen this square for the representation of values. In the Piazza della Repubblica the right has displayed Salvini, Meloni, Tajani. But what does the deployment of national leaders mean with respect to a soul that we are capable of interpreting as Tuscans.” It will be the mayor of mayors: “I will pay the utmost attention to each town, each land of Tuscany, 186 Tuscan mayors, about 70 percent, have signed the San Gimignano pact and as governor I will feel like a mayor among the mayors “. We, Giani continues, “are the alternative of others in saying that nothing works, their anti-Europeanism. There is no coherence in its dimension of government. We have clarity and strength. We do not need propagandists but to govern society. Tuscany. We ask to Tuscans to give us a hand and prevent the colonization of Tuscany from the right. We do not want a health adviser from Veneto as in Umbria. “
Giani’s first acts of government? “The first will be the update of the Pact for work and employment carried out by Enrico Rossi with the unions. In parallel, an act of immediate management, which can begin in January, to guarantee free childcare for incomes of up to 40 thousand euros. . We calculate it, it is 50 million in our budget, “he promises.
It is linked to the Bonaccini precedent. “As happened in Emilia Romagna, after the vote, tomorrow Tuscany will say goodbye to Salvini. On the 22nd he will no longer be there and he will return to national politics. He is not needed here.”
And finally an appeal to the separate vote: “In Tuscany there will be no vote and those who disperse will feel like Pontius Pilate. The future of Tuscany belongs to all the Tuscans and if they want to choose the confusional state of the center-right. Who will He wants to give a Do it but I also know that the destiny of Tuscany is at stake in my name, that he wants to continue progressing and be a point of reference in the world ”.