
Here we go again. After the March massacre, they arrived unprepared for the second wave and as if they had completely forgotten about the first. the Fontana-Gallera duo decide to trust the RSA again (nursing homes) to accommodate “the patient with positive Covid who no longer needs or no longer needs hospitalization in an acute care room, but who requires clinical control and / or close monitoring also through instrumental tests and / or requires therapies defined as medium complexity, that is, not interventional or resuscitation therapies, but medical therapies “. Everything is written in the resolution of October 15, XI / 3681, which the Lombardy Region has drawn up with the tip of a ballpoint pen to prepare amendments to resolutions no. IX / 1479/2011 and n. X / 1185/2013 on “subacute care for Covid-positive paucisymptomatic patients” and the “BASIC-LEVEL COMMUNITY GRADE FOR COVID-FREE ASYMPTOMATIC / PAUCISYmptomatic PATIENTS”.
Councilor Gallera denies it, but Ats Milano has also written to the RSA
The news of the Covid patients once again in those same RSAs who have already paid a lot in terms of human lives the March error shook the Pirellone all morning, after the newspaper “Domani” broke the news. The Milanese secretary of the Democratic Party Silvia Roggiani asks “how is it possible that the Lombardy Region has already erased from memory the terrible tragedy consumed in the Lombard RSA, thanks to the perfidious decision of March 8? Does the virus enter the places that absolutely go? protected, this is inadmissible. But what is worse, you do it knowing that you have already done it with terrible consequences. ”Social Welfare Councilor Giulio Gallera responds by returning the post, brandishing the critics as” ignorant ” and saying that “the Lombardy Region has passed a specific resolution that gives the Ats the mandate to identify 1500 beds in Lombardy for acute divers and hospitalizations.” surveillance, in part by converting ‘non-covid’ beds and in part by hiring new, precisely to accommodate positive, asymptomatic or symptomatic patients, also from residential centers for the elderly and disabled ”.
Too bad Gallera probably didn’t read anything the letter from Ats Milano, addressed, among others, to the RSA (which in fact confirm that they have received it) in which the regional daily compensation is also specified: among other things we read that “the user is made up of patients discharged from hospitalization facilities and clinically stable social and residential health care or facilities waiting for negativization OR coming from the territory that can’t stay home“and sets” experimentally “a daily rate”, in analogy to what is already provided for in regional events, established in 130 euros per day omnidirectional understanding. “The RSA Pio Albergo Trivulzio in Milan, just to name one who was a tragic example, has officially announced that it has yet to make decisions on the invitation of the Ats.
Now Gallera denies the letter sent by Ats – the regional councilor of the Democratic Party Carmela Rozza tells Fanpage.it – but the issue is a much broader one: because the Region before a second wave had not identified the health structures that should have dealt with this? As you anticipate resuscitations – adds Rozza – you should plan to also have low intensity structures. And instead, they still end up on the Rsa. They did not hire personnel, they did not foresee the need for hospital wards, they did not think about the structures that are closing in the territory or about transforming hospitals. Nothing”.
The M5s: persevering is devilish
“To err is human, to persevere is diabolical! – he tells Fanpage.it Massimo De Rosa, parent company M5S Lombardia – once again Fontana and Gallera are trying to send Covid patients to the RSA, this is clear from a note from Ats and one of the last Dgr, as if what happened in the first wave of this emergency it would have been nothing. The Lombard junta does not learn from experience, on the contrary, it continues to make the same dramatic and terrifying mistakes. This time unloading the responsibility, through a confusing and generic DGR, on the Ats, pushing them to open the doors of the RSA to positive covidas, risking to condemn, once again, hundreds of grandparents in the end ”. De Rosa continues: “more expensive, but the disastrous results could be the same. If we had been in an optimal situation we could have reasoned about the strategies, but based on these characters and with the Ats made like today we cannot afford these crazy decisions ”.
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