Lombard mayors against the governor of the Region Attilio fontana. The question is that of the new provisions on the organization of secondary schools that provide for distance education for all and therefore the move to face-to-face lessons contained in the ordinance signed yesterday by the President of the Region to contain the coronavirus epidemic and also signed by the mayors of all capitals. But, they accuse them, the version they had approved was another, with less strict requirements. “I am totally against it, it does not make sense at the moment: we need to alternate distance learning and presence in schools. This is how it should be for all school orders. We are totally against, and they want to say it clearly, only distance learning for Superiors. We will oppose “, attacks the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala.
The Minister of Education also spoke Lucia azzolina with a letter to Fontana: “In such a complex phase for the Nation, I would like to invite you to work together with all the institutions involved, to find solutions other than the one adopted, respecting the right to health of citizens and the right to study of our students and our female students. “The minister recalls that” the Dpcm of October 18, 2020 offered very clear indications for the management of the measures to be taken with reference to educational institutions, in the first place foreseeing the continuation, in any case, in presence, of the didactic and educational activities of the childhood school and the first cycle of education “. The governor Attilio fontana responded at the end of the summit with the mayors: “Having seen and considered the relative data
To the epidemiological curve of Lombardy, related to the situation of the local public transport system, with special reference to young people attending secondary school, we reiterate that strict decisions are necessary. Understanding that if the minister considers that our measures are excessive and inadequate, he can challenge them ”. The governor sends the minister a formal response letter with useful data for a correct reading of the situation of what is happening at the health level in Lombardy. . “It is fair to underline – concludes Fontana – that for months the Lombardy Region has put in the center of the government’s attention how great are the difficulties in the public transport sector. Cases that remained and remain unheard ”.
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The mayors of Anci write at the end of the meeting: “Today we had an in-depth discussion with President Fontana. A constant reflection and dialogue is opened on the most appropriate measures on the development of educational activities, but also on local public transport. and the general evolution of the pandemic. Between today and tomorrow we will have a new meeting “
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“Second-grade secondary schools and second-grade vocational institutions must carry out their activities in order to ensure the conduct of lessons through distance learning of lessons, for the entire class group, if They are already in a position to carry them out and without prejudice to special educational needs. It is recommended that other institutes implement the technical-organizational conditions in the shortest possible time, for the development of distance education. In such cases, It is recommended that the directors of the schools organize and differentiate the admissions to this, the territorial offices (UAT), in conjunction with the regional offices of the schools (USR), ensure close coordination with the LPT agencies and the mayors of the reference fields. Laboratory activities can continue to be carried out in presence “, is written in the ordinance.
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But Anci Lombardia and the mayors of the 12 provincial municipalities of Lombardy have requested an “urgent” meeting with the president of the Region. Attilio fontana To clarify: “Together with the mayors of the capitals – explained the president of the association of municipalities Mauro Guerra – Anci Lombardia asked President Fontana for an urgent meeting tomorrow to deepen the study and discussion of the ordinance relative to distance education for secondary schools. We have thus arranged a meeting with President Fontana for tomorrow ”. The reason? That part had not been agreed.
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The draft of the ordinance circulated in the afternoon reads: “Prevention measures in relation to school activities: Second grade secondary schools and second grade vocational training institutions must carry out their activities in order to ensure their full development to through Integrated Digital Teaching (DDI) of the lessons, if they are already in a position to do so and without prejudice to special educational needs. Other institutes are recommended to implement the technical-organizational conditions in the shortest possible time, for the realization of the DDI. Laboratory activities continue to be carried out face-to-face while external internships, where appropriate, contribute to distance education. It is recommended that those responsible for schools organize and differentiate access to the school; for this the territorial offices ( UAT), in conjunction with regional school offices (USR), surely there is no star coordination with the LPT Agencies and the mayors of the reference areas ”. So not DAD but DDI: according to Miur’s guidelines, the second is a “complementary teaching method that integrates the traditional experience of the school in presence”, flanking, not completely replacing, the lessons in presence.
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Tweet the mayor of Bergamo at night Giorgio gori: “This is, instead, the passage about the school contained in the draft ordinance sent this morning to share with the mayors of the Lombard capitals. We speak of Integrated Digital Education (DDI), by definition complementary to face-to-face. We will discuss it again tomorrow. ” And Sala, from RTL Microphones, adds: “The ordinance went a bit quickly, the mayors saw it but we were focused on the so-called curfew, this escaped us – admits the mayor – and when we are aware that we are all opposed “.
The result, therefore, is great confusion. “It is not possible to work in these conditions – underlines Massimo Spinelli, president of the National Association of Presidents of Lombardy – we need clear indications, which are applied and not interpreted, otherwise there is a risk of making mistakes”. Pending the meeting of the permanent regional working group (which brings together all the components linked to the world of schools at the territorial level) “called” for this morning, the regional office of the school does not express itself. Certainly, however, there is a skills problem. “The Region cannot intervene in educational options, which are within the autonomy of individual schools”, underlines Carlo Giuffrè, regional secretary of Uil Scuola Lombardia. Therefore, the will of the Ministry of Education cannot be ignored, whose last formal act is the note of October 19, which limits the application of the measures provided for in the last Dpcm (increase in the distance education quota and start of subsequent lessons 9 am again for secondary schools) to the case in which there is “a communication from the regional, local or health authorities of the critical and particularly risky situation” that has not yet occurred. The Region announces that Minister Azzolina is informed of the order and will not challenge it. However, the Minister of the Family Elena Bonetti defines the Lombard option as “serious” and “myopic”.