Lombardy, orange zone from Friday. The Ordinance of Hope over the Regions- Corriere.it


Since the tricolor mechanism came into operation – the yellow, orange and red bands that distinguish areas with more or less severe measures to contain the Covid-19 epidemic, and the coronavirus infection -, the second time that the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza sign an order that extend the measurements taken according to the Dpcm of November 3.

Last Friday it was the turn of the red regions of Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Valle d’Aosta and the orange regions of Puglia and Sicily, whose rules to combat Covid19 will be formally in force until December 3.

Meanwhile, in fact, the government control room can always decide that those territories, based on the data collected by the regions themselves, should change bands, because the risk increases or decreases.

The Regions and the decision of hope

The second extension order was signed by the Minister of Health today, Tuesday, November 24, to renew the restrictive measures related to the province of Bolzano (red zone) and the regions Basilicata, Liguria and Umbria, which are in the orange band. Also in this case, the ordinance will expire on December 3, the day on which Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte must sign the next Dpcm (here the progress).

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The reason why these extension orders are necessary is contained in the current decree of the Prime Minister, dated November 3. In article 2 of the Dpcm, he writes that from the data processed by the control room, after consulting the CTS, regions with a high level of risk are identified, which can be orange or red depending on gravity of the situation: restrictive measures are triggered with the signing of an ordinance by the Minister of Health, which lasts at least 15 days. At least once a week, usually on Fridays, Minister Speranza checks the continuation of the conditions and in order to update the relative list.

Lombardy towards the orange zone

A region can obtain less stringent measures only if during the previous 14 days it was in a lower risk group. Let’s take Lombardy: on Friday, November 27, after two weeks in the technically orange band, the region managed by Attilio Fontana will be able to lower the level of risk and relax the measures, even if the Minister of Health has extended the ordinance that placed it in the red zone. .
