Lombardy in the yellow zone: the ordinance – Corriere.it signed


Now official: Lombardy goes to the yellow zone. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, signed the ordinance and, as anticipated by the president of the Region, Attilio Fontana, the transition from the orange to the yellow zone will be effective as of Sunday. Even the Piedmont, Basilicata and Calabria They follow the same process: Speranza’s indication, after the approval of the control room, and a yellow zone from Sunday, December 13.

What will the new rules be?

Once you enter the yellow zone, therefore from Sunday December 13, in the four regions affected by the provision it will again be possible:

– move freely within their own Municipality and between different Municipalities, except between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., when the curfew is in force. To travel at night you need specific reasons (those allowed are work, health or need and urgency) to be certified with a form;
– move freely outside the Region and go to another Region in the yellow zone (except, as in the previous case, between 10 pm and 5 am). To move to a region in the orange or red zone, you need specific reasons (work, health, need and urgency) and the self-certification form;
– go to the bar, until 6 pm According to Lino Stoppani, in front of Fipe and Epam (Confcommercio Milano), approximately 70-75% of public establishments will reopen. The actual turnover (from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.) in Lombardy amounts to 3,300 million;
– go to the restaurant, until 6:00 p.m.: after that time, home delivery is allowed, and until 10:00 p.m. it is possible to bring food to go (which cannot be consumed near the restaurant);
– go to a shopping center from Monday to Friday: not on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
– Go to friends and family: the Dpcm does not foresee a specific prohibition, but the recommendation is to continue without visiting people who do not live together.

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The new rules of December 21

The travel rules will change, according to the new Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (here the final text in Pdf).

In fact, from December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces is prohibited throughout Italy, regardless of the area in which the Region itself is located ( therefore also for the yellow zone). . During the same period, it is also forbidden to move to second homes located in another Autonomous Community or Province.

On December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, movement between municipalities will be allowed, which however still needs to be formalized.

return to one’s own residence, domicile or home is always allowed (for second residences, the rules just described apply).
