Lombardy in the red zone until when? Appeal to the TAR, sentence is expected – Corriere.it


The decision of the TAR is still pending Lombardy’s request to leave the red zone.

The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza denies that there could be agreements to reduce the duration of the most restrictive band to one week. This morning the indiscretion circulated about the possibility of an agreement between the Region and the government to review the data and shorten the time. Eventuality that the minister categorically denies: «I do not make agreements. The measurements are based on technical and scientific documents. ‘

The law states that the assignment of a region to a certain band lasts at least two weeks.. Sand the data, which is constantly monitored, gets worse, the color can change even before two weeks – that is, if a region is placed in the orange zone, and in the first week the data deteriorates to the point of causing it to move to the red zone, this change occurs as soon as possible, without waiting for the expiration of the two weeks.

The case is different if the data is improving. In this case, the permanence of a region in a zone is still maintained for at least two weeks. In other words: if a region enters the red zone, and the data published in the following week improves, the region does not immediately return to the orange zone, but must remain in the red zone for 14 days.

The displacement of a region in a given band takes place on the basis of the data collected in the weekly monitoring and that comes from the different Regions: the intersection of 21 parameters it implies the assignment of each region to a specific area (yellow, orange, red) to which various regulatory regimes are associated.

The follow-up is published on Friday. What caused Lombardy to move into the red zone was published on Friday, January 15. Even if on Friday the 22nd the monitoring showed data that would lead to the “promotion” of Lombardy in the orange zone, this change will not take place. Lin Lombardy, if you have data that allows it, it could turn orange after the release of the monitoring data on Friday 29 January.

Lombardy, on Tuesday, January 19, filed an urgent appeal with the TAR against the transfer to the toughest band, complaining that the data on which said transfer was made would be «Now out of date: now they have all changed and therefore the decision to send us to the red zone is punitive “.

The administrative judges could already express themselves in the next few hours, at least about the request for suspension of the order.

Jan 20, 2021 (change Jan 20, 2021 | 11:53)

