Milan, September 19, 2020 – Sono 243 the new positives today, saturday, september 19, in Lombardy. Have been carried out 21,721 swabs (1,928,410 since the start of the Covid-19 emergency), almost 5,000 more than yesterday (16,828), when the new infections were 224. According to today’s newsletter of the Region of new cases 29 are “weak positive” and 10 are the result of serological tests. The ratio between positives and swabs improved slightly, today at 1.1%, yesterday at 1.33%. The most critical data today certainly refers to deceased: new and mortar, compared to the two of the previous days, which bring the total to 16,917. Intensive care increased by 4 units (36 in total, yesterday they were stable) while other hospitalizations dropped dramatically (-13), which brings the figure to 271. Increasing the cured / discharged, +326: there are 78,695 in total, of which 1,455 discharged and 77,240 recovered.
Data from the provinces
Regarding the territorial distribution of the cases, it is always the Milan province to record the largest increase: today +89, of which 36 to Milan cityto. Follow Brescia and Monza and Brianza, both with 37 new cases. +14 to Pavia, +12 to Varese and +11 years Bergamo. Single-digit increases in the rest of the provinces. How +9, Lecco +8, Mantua +5, Sondrio +4. A I gave it increase of 3 cases, a Cremona of 2.
In Italy 1,638 cases and 24 deaths
There are 1,638 new cases and 24 people have died with coronavirus in the last 24 hours across the country. Since the beginning of the emergency, the total has been 35,692 victims and 296,569 infections. Yesterday the increase had shot up to +1907. 215 people are hospitalized in intensive care with coronavirus in Italy, 7 more today. The data was processed by the Ministry of Health and can be consulted on the Civil Protection website.
Lombardy first in new cases and tampons
The Lombardy It is the region that registered the highest number of new cases, but also against the highest number of swabs processed (243 for 21,721 swabs). In second place, Lazio (196, with 10,097 swabs), third Veneto (186 cases and 16,684 swabs). On the intensive care front, Lombardy has the highest number of patients, today 36. It is followed by Lazio with 22 patients and Campania with 19. Regarding the other hospitalizations, Lazio ranks first with 445 patients, then Campania with 327, Lombardy third with 271. (Data Region by Region / PDF)
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