Lombardy coronavirus, 245 new cases and one death. School evaluation: 4,500 positive teachers


Coronavirus (Photo Ravaglia)
Coronavirus (Photo Ravaglia)

Milan, September 10, 2020 – With 17,391 smears performed, 245 the new coronavirus positive (including 43 ‘weakly positive’ and 14 following
serological tests) registered today in Lombardy, with a percentage equal to 1.4%, an increase compared to yesterday (1.02%). Also record A victim which brings the total of Covid deaths in Lombardy to 16,892 since the beginning of the emergency. Hospitalizations are increasing by intensive care: (+3, for a total of 30 occupied places) than in the rest of the departments where there are 4 new hospitalizations, bringing the total to 256. The positive trend of healed / discharged (+116)

Data as of September 10

The data of the provinces

Regarding the situation in front of the Lombard provinces, the most affected continues to be Milan, with 91 new cases in the metropolitan area, of which 51 in the city of Milan. Cases in the province of Varese are growing, albeit slightly, which today are 26 (yesterday 24), followed by that of Monza and Brianza with 22 positives more than yesterday. As for the other Lombard provinces, the cases are a Brescia 17, to Pavia 14, to Bergamo 11, a Cremona and how 7, a Lecco and Mantua 6, a Lodi and Sondrio Four.

Serological tests: positive in more than 4,500 teachers and non-teachers

Meanwhile I serological tests on school personnel, teacher or not. There are 113,041 registered, an almost stable figure (two days ago they were 108,264), but the tests already carried out are clearly on the rise, which were 56,953 on September 4 and today they reach the figure of 95,324, about 50% of the school staff total, which has 206,687 people in Lombardy. Of the cases analyzed, 4,528 were positive and swabs were taken. Reservations for the serological test are made through the ‘Salutile’ application and the specific web portal.
