Lombardy and Piedmont out of the red zone in 7 days – Corriere.it


Others two weeks restrictions to later grant greater freedom of movement to citizens. the strategy agreed between the government and the Regions to arrive on December 3 with aItaly almost entirely orange and yellow, therefore, where the epidemiological curve is still downhill. The reduction of Covid-19 infections and the stability of the health system are the indispensable condition so that the new Dpcm, which will come into force that day, can provide some relaxation. In particular extended store hours, the reopening of shopping centers on Saturdays and holidays, the opening of bars and restaurants at night even in the orange areas, the curfew is at midnight. Two weeks later, between December 17 and 24, On the basis of weekly monitoring, it will be decided whether it is possible to maintain less rigid measures or whether it is necessary to foresee new closings due to holidays. Making long-term forecasts is not possible, they repeat at Palazzo Chigi confirming that the system of division by bands will not be modified. However, the way is marked, and unless there are sudden spikes in the number of new positives, it already seems possible to identify the next steps.

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The waiting period

The order signed yesterday by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza extension of the red zone for another two weeks in Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Valle d’Aosta. But to read the data, Lombardy and Piedmont are technically already in orange. The ranking system requires there to be a consolidation period for positive data before changing the band and this will happen on November 27. Then, the following week, when the government adopts the new rules, they will be able to enjoy the relaxed measures without excluding the possibility of being even in the yellow band. A possibility that seems excluded for Calabria, still in a critical situation, and for Valle d’Aosta, still in the middle of the red zone. On the balance sheet are Puglia, which yesterday ran the risk of turning red, and Sicily, where the situation is still not optimal.

High risk

Proprio on December 3 will decide the fate of Campania and Tuscany, which entered the red zone on November 13. It will be established whether Emilia-Romagna and Marche can return to the yellow band. And the day before Liguria will be evaluated, which will be in the orange band from November 11. Special remarks remain the Friuli Venezia Giulia (orange), the Molise (orange) and the Veneto (yellow) classified by follow-up data as moderate risk but with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the next month. Destination also marked for theAbruzzo that of domesticated it enters the worst rank. Lazio is the region that shows the best result And precisely to avoid risks, an ordinance was signed according to which no retail and wholesale commercial activity can continue to sell to the public with access to the premises after 9 pm on working days, holidays and before holidays. closing of department stores and markets on weekends.

The prohibitions

The ability to reduce the fundamental hazard level to benefit from the anticipated weakening in the new Dpcm. Even with some exceptions, it seems difficult that in the red zones can you allow the opening of bars and restaurants or that movement restrictions within the region be lifted. Measures that will instead be applied in the rest of Italy to allow Christmas shopping and, in any case, greater freedom for the Christmas holidays.

Regional boundaries

Yesterday’s monitoring shows that the restrictions applied so far have improved the situation and invert the epidemiological curve. That is why the government seems determined to prevent what happened in the summer from happening with meetings, trips and parties that have caused the number of infections to increase. And that’s why only on the eve of the holidays, after having analyzed December 18 follow-up and the daily bulletins, it will be decided whether the passage between regions of the orange band will be allowed, but above all if less drastic measures can be taken for public places. In any case, ban parties and gatherings.

November 21, 2020 (change November 21, 2020 | 07:39)

