LOMBARDIA Epicenter of the SECOND WAVE, never so many SICK. This is what is happening »ILMETEO.it


CORONAVIRUS: LOMBARDIA Epicenter of the SECOND WAVE, never so many SICK. This is what is happening

Lombardy  Never so many INFECTIONS not even in March and AprilLombardy Never so many INFECTIONS not even in March and AprilAt the beginning of Second wave, and that is why we are talking about the end of September, it was thought that the Italian axis of the epidemic of CORONAVIRUS it had moved to other regions, including Campania and Lazio. Wrong! Lombardy is once again paying the highest price related to the spread of infections in the last 24 hours you have registered a RECORD of positives. am 4,125 new cases with 36,416 swabs carried out, by a percentage equal to 11.3%. “Even today the data are worrying and highlight, as unfortunately we had foreseen, a situation of general criticality that must be faced with absolute respect for the regulations and great civic sense”, says the general director of the Department of Social Welfare, Marco Trivelli . “The strong increase in positives in relation to the number of buffers carried out and the increase in hospitalizations indicate that the path of the restrictions undertaken is necessary “.

For this reason, as expected, the ordinance of the Lombardy Region that provides for a CURFEW from 23 to 5 from Thursday October 22. S.I will be able to leave home only for proven work needs, situations of need and urgency or for health reasons. You are always allowed to return to your home, residence or residence. It will be necessary to present a self-declaration to certify the movements, as it already happened during the EMERGENCY CLOSURE, in the first phase of the pandemic.

These, therefore, are the measures contained in the new ordinance of the Lombardy Region, already signed by the Minister of Health and the President of the Region. Measures that will be in force until November 13, 2020. Beware of sanctions, as they could be high, up to 1000.00 euros. This is a decision that is made with the analysis of the projections on the infections that would arrive at the end of the month, if it is not possible to reverse or at least slow down the curve, to the dreadful figures of 4 thousand hospitalizations in normal wards and about 500 people in intensive care.
