Lombardia Coronavirus, today’s bulletin September 23: 196 new infections and no deaths


Milan, September 23, 2020 – Even today, I new cases of coronavirus in Lombardy am below the threshold of 200: in 24 hours they registered 196, of which 29 ‘weakly positive and 6 after a serological test. A slightly higher number than yesterday, which was 182. The region is the second by the number of positives, after Campania (248) and before Lazio (195). There is a tampon boom: 22,805 (general total: 1,990,912.), While yesterday 14,808. As for the front of the hospital continues to grow, cured / discharged, 119, for a total of 79,197 (of which 1,490 discharged and 77,707 recovered). New decline in intensive therapy, for 1 unit (33) and a further increase (+14) in admissions to other rooms, with 308 patients in total. There are no deaths.

Coronavirus, the data of September 23 in Lombardy

Regarding the provinces, the one with the highest increase in cases is always Milan: +96, of which 71 in the city of Milan. Secondly Brescia with +20 (yesterday +3), followed by Pavia with +18 (yesterday + 35). Then, Varese with +13 (yesterday +6) and Monza and Brianza +11 (yesterday + 12). A Bergamo 8 new infections (yesterday +11), one Mantua 6 (yesterday +5), How 5 (yesterday +3) and Lecco 4 (yesterday +2). There were no cases in Cremona, Lodi and Sondrio.

Coronavirus, infections in Italy go back

Regarding national data, I new infections date back to 1,640 (+248) but with a new increase in buffers that exceed the threshold of 100 thousand (103,696, +16,393). am 20 deaths (+6). Those infected currently number 46,314 (+625) with 2,658 hospitalized patients with symptoms (+54) and 244 in intensive care (+5). 43,212 patients (+566) are in home isolation, while 995 people have been discharged or cured.

Coronavirus, if a new wave one in three will move with one of their vehicles

One in three people and you will move with your own motorized vehicle in case one arrives new pandemic wave. A growth of eight percentage points compared to the pre-Covid period. This is supported by the report “National survey on university mobility of origin at the time of Covid-19” carried out by the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development, which also includes the University of Pavia. The research analyzed the behavior of 85 thousand people representative of the academic population. The investigation, which began last July and is still ongoing at some universities, was based on a online questionnaire among students, professors and technical-administrative staff from 44 Italian universities (to which the results of another 13 universities will be added).

Coronavirus, to Trenord: “Abroad, the state supports public services”

Still on the subject of transportation, he spoke The CEO of Trenord, Marco Piuri, who pointed out how In other European countries, the state has borne the costs of lost revenue from state-owned companies, While in Italian: “To the companies that offer public services, economically damaged by Covid-19, the British Government immediately told them: the commercial risk belongs to the Government, do not worry about how much they charge.” In the context of the effects of the coronavirus, Piuri noted, “no one raises the issue of the financial sustainability of some public services.” It is clear that as a public body, in this case railway, “if I have all the trains in circulation and I am doing all the services that I did before (of the pandemic, ed) and I obtain half of the previous income, I have a problem. Piuri then observed that “there is a European norm that says that those who perform public services must have the contract in economic-financial balance, so that if ticket revenues fall for important reasons, they must be compensated. the system gave faster responses. “

Covid effect in Milan on homes and rentals

Among the consequences of the Coronavirus, there are not only mobility and means of transport. In five months in Milan more than 300 people have lost their homes and others 600 can no longer pay the rent and profits due to COVID-19. This is what emerges from a survey conducted among the operators of Caritas Ambrosiana It is dedicated to the management of the Sai service (Immigrant Assistance Service), Siloe (Professional Guidance Service) and the Diocesan Assistance Fund. From April to August 2020, between phase one and phase two of the health emergency, according to Caritas Ambrosiana itself, 314 housing applications since people ended up in the street. Of these requests, 60% come from immigrants that they have no longer been able to pay for a bed in the apartments they shared with their compatriots or that they have escaped the reception system. The remaining part, 40%, of well integrated foreigners, It also included families who came to the city years ago to meet with the husband or wife who had led the way. To this are added another 611 requests for aid to pay rent, of household users and condominium expenses, with a figure four times higher than that registered in the same period of the previous year. Among them too many Italians, generally young couples in very precarious economic conditions, who could not cope with sudden block reaction resulting in a collapse of the economy.
