
The Dpcm of October 24 contains new measures to contain the spread of Covid 19 infections. In addition to the Dpcm, some provisions remain in force in Lombardy until November 13.
From 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following day, only trips motivated by work needs, situations of need, emergency situations or health reasons are allowed. In any case, it is allowed to return to the home, residence or residence. To justify the movements it will be necessary to present a self-declaration.
On Saturdays and Sundays, the closing of large sales structures as well as retail stores within shopping centers is organized.
School, dad 100%
As of October 26, the secondary schools and second-degree vocational training institutions must carry out their activity remotely for the entire class, if the conditions for carrying it out are already in place and unless there is any special educational need. . It is strongly recommended to the other institutes – read the Region – to work as quickly as possible to be able to carry out distance education as well.
Laboratory activities, which can be performed in the presence, are excluded. School principals are also advised to differentiate between school entrances.
Universities are encouraged to promote distance learning as much as possible.
The Region dedicates an in-depth study to the organization of distance education.
“On the organization of distance learning of individual schools, Ordinance No. 623 of last October 21 ensures adequate gradualness.
Specifically, the Ordinance establishes that upper secondary schools and upper secondary vocational training institutions guarantee the realization of lessons through distance learning, for the entire group of the class, if they are already in a position to carry them out.
Therefore, each secondary education institution must carry out the appropriate evaluation, in the exercise of its prerogatives derived from school autonomy, on the existence of these conditions, also based on the experience accumulated in the previous year from March to last June. .
In addition, to secondary schools not yet organized for the development of distance education in its various forms provided for by ministerial directives, the second period of art. 5, letter c) of the Ordinance recommends that the related technical-organizational conditions be implemented in the shortest possible time.
The option of not identifying a time limit or specific methods with which to proceed with the adaptation of teaching activities responds to the opportunity of not affecting school autonomy, which is left to evaluate the times and methods necessary for the adaptation itself, sustained account of the ongoing epidemiological trend, as represented in the premises of the ordinance itself.
With the same objective of minimizing the risk of contagion among students of educational institutions and the congestion of public transport, the ordinance also recommends staggering access for school activities in attendance, thanks to the local coordination system with the Offices territorial area (UAT), in conjunction with the regional offices of the school (RSU), in close coordination with the LPT agencies and the mayors of the reference areas.
School autonomy is also left to the evaluation of opportunities to carry out face-to-face lessons for students with special educational needs (BES), if face-to-face teaching is deemed necessary, precisely because of the specific situation of the individual student.
Finally, the Ordinance guarantees the possibility of continuing to carry out laboratory activities in the presence, which on the other hand, had been suspended like the other educational activities in the national confinement phase.“.
DPCM October 24