Unlock a Christmas? First Conte it does not even take into consideration the hypothesis advanced by the virologist Crisanti, who in unsuspecting times had warned about the arrival of the second wave by preparing a plan of 400,000 daily tampons.
“I do not make predictions for Christmas, I make forecasts at this time of the most appropriate and sustainable measures to avoid a lockdown but it is clear that much will depend on the behavior of the citizens,” says Conte da Capri.
«The scheme is very clear: we will continue to constantly update ourselves with the Regions. The winning formula is collaborate, collaborate, collaborate. For Campania, as for the other Regions, we have made it possible for presidents to introduce restrictive measures as soon as the need arises, while for relaxation we need an agreement with the Minister of Health ”, responds the prime minister. ask if there could be a closure in Campania.
And again: «Now we will face this new wave with a great sense of responsibility, with great sensitivity, understanding what values are at stake. And let’s stop arguing, making abstract speeches, making discussions and debates, here we have to be concrete. You have to protect your health.
Dpcm, the 6 guest limit is split: here are the new rules for “sanitizing” parties
Sanitizing the holidays: the new dictates the rules for receiving at home and all hell breaks loose. Do you always have to wear masks? How many people can be invited? But above all, in the event of a mega-party, what will happen?
«We work on the needs, the objectives and the investments that we have to make. If there is a shortage of resources, we obviously get them. Now I go back to Rome where the Planning and Budget Document is, we are working on the budget law, we also have the recovery plan, the cohesion funds. We have a project integrated with the various resources, if resources are lacking, I am willing to do any … so I do not ask an ideological question and there is no ideological position to occupy. If there is a need to save the community we will do it.
Last updated: 19:10