“We risk 16 thousand infections a day, the hospitals in Lazio and Campania are already almost full” and those in the other regions will continue according to Walter Ricciardi, councilor of the Ministry of Health for the emergency: “The places are already saturating now, and much less when the flu comes. ” If infections continue to grow, it will not only be people infected with Coronavirus who run the risk of not finding a bed but, as was seen during the confinement, also patients suffering from other serious diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, many of them which have to. little analysis and treatment resumed, skipped or postponed since the stop.
The chronicles of these hours overlap, from north to south of the country: another 150 complaints have been filed in Bergamo for the management of the emergency; in Taranto, a wedding with positive spouses and guests has turned into a health triage, with 120 guests subjected to tampons; in Rome, Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future square is deserted. In the province of Latina, a mini-lockdown has already begun with admission fees everywhere and night curfews. The Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, warns that it is most likely that she will not be the only one at the local level: “We will not close the entire country,” she assures, but some of it will. This is confirmed by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia: “The restrictions of movement between regions cannot be excluded.” Actually, he adds, “nothing can be excluded at this time.” So, not even a return to closure of businesses and stores across the country?
The governors are alarmed: “We are ready for new restrictions”, announced the Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonacini; “Let’s get ready for the harshest months of January-May”, echoes his colleague from Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, who after the summer saw the good things he had managed to build in terms of prevention collapse in the blink of an eye . We are not collapsing, in short, but we are close: “When the temperatures drop and the flu viruses arrive,” explains Ricciardi-, there will be problems because we have to stay home and families will be infected. “