Livorno, families against too many tampons in kindergartens


A week has passed since he returned to school, but there are still many doubts among the Livorno families readmission modalities in class after asick leave. A weak point of the system is undoubtedly the fact that, in the medical certificate, the pediatrician must be able to rule out that the disease is related to COVID-19. And to affirm it you need the swab result which, for the moment, is the only diagnostic test considered reliable. However, the times to do this vary depending on the availability of tampons, often forcing entire families into preventive isolation for even more than a week.

A situation that has created a fire debate also in social networks and in particular in the Facebook group “Mothers of Livorno let’s unite”, leading to the creation of a private group in which to discuss different experiences and how to act to find a solution. “We need faster and less invasive tests for our children” was the leitmotif. While a first response comes from the victorious mayor Libera Camici: “The Region is presenting the figure of the school doctor.”

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School, the attractiveness of Livorno mothers: “More clarity on tampons”

“We have been at home for four days waiting for the ASL to call us to do a swab,” says Francesca Nicolosi, author of the post that started the controversy. Meanwhile, my daughter, you just had a little cold, it is practically Security booth. Initially, the pediatrician told us that we could only contact the ASL; a few days later, instead, they gave me the green light and I could reserve the buffer in a private laboratory. “

Francesca hopes that what happened does not represent normality: “I would like not to live this odyssey again in the future because I have two children in daycare who, like everyone else, get sick all the time. Lacks clarity it is not clear how one should move and whether or not private-made tampons are worth it. Unfortunately, there is no uniformity of behavior among pediatricians, while the school and ASL speak little. In the end, it is the children who lose out. “

A problem, that of the validity of the private swabs, that the deputy mayor Libera Camici returns to the ASL house. “I understand the discomfort of families, in fact I experience it first hand – said the deputy mayor – but unfortunately the municipal administration at this juncture has little room for intervention. It depends on the common sense of pediatricians, but we will try to act as a stimulus for ASL and find a solution to this problem as soon as possible. “

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Family requests: faster and less invasive exams

In addition to the invasiveness of the tampon, another problem found is related to synchronization of realization. The process, in fact, states that after any notification from the school to families, in case of illness during school hours, pediatrician will have to intervene Asl who will contact the family again to carry out the test. me times, however, they are long. “My son has been at home for several days and we are waiting for them to call us about the hyssop,” says another controversial mother. Can you do a swab a month? Kids get sick, it’s inevitable, and cold symptoms lead everyone to Covid. “

A situation that “touches paradoxical”, defines Valentina Gallucci, mother of two children who attend a kindergarten. “In the classroom there are already three children waiting to rub themselves with a cold – account by phone -. We do not want to take the situation lightly, God forbid, we all care about the health of our children, but we do a appeal both in school and in pediatricians so that they activate the Covid protocol in the event that multiple symptoms appear together or in any case after having visited the child ”.

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“What we are asking for is a bit of common sense – concludes Valentina – because children get sick all the time and will continue to get sick, not only is Covid. less invasive tampons me Faster to have the result in three days and also speed up the return procedures ”. There are also those who ask for the presence of a doctor Also in facilities for children. “I understand that it is not easy for teachers to distinguish a cold from a more serious pathology – emphasizes Francesca -. That is precisely why it would be advisable to have a health figure also in the nursery and in the nursery to have a first diagnosis already in class and start the Covid Protocol only if more important symptoms are presented. “

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Libera Camici: “The most immediate solution is the presentation of the school doctor”

The deputy mayor responds to the protests of mothers Free dresses. “There is already a ‘regional council ordinance which provides for the introduction of a health figure within schools – he says – that, in addition to making a first diagnosis on the child, relieving school personnel of considerable responsibility, could carry out rapid and non-invasive tests to activate the covid protocol only in cases of real need “.
