
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte offers the press conference at the end of the year organized by the National Council of the Order of Journalists in collaboration with the Parliamentary Press Association.
The prime minister describes the balance of a year severely marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. There is no introductory speech from the Prime Minister at the press conference. After a brief greeting, Conte will go directly to questions from the audience.
The traditional end of the year press conference began with a minute of silence in memory of the victims of Covid-19.
The words of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
On the reopening of schools, Conte states: “I hope that on January 7th the Baccalaureate can be restarted with a mixed teaching integrated at least 50% in presence, as a show of responsibility, without putting the school communities at risk. If, as they tell me, the prefectural tables have worked well, we can start over with at least 50%. We are taking advantage of December to go one step further, in a logic of maximum flexibility. We involve the prefects, with all the authorities involved, for a summary. We have understood that the system is so integrated that it is not possible to decongest flows around the school, not even for local public transport, if the different sectors are not integrated. The prefectures were tasked with coordinating flexible solutions, to be evaluated country by country, school by school. There was a desire to differentiate the entry times even in public offices. In local public transport it turned out to be one of the most critical moments, because if we had to respect the distance we would have to quintuple the fleet of means of transport. But we have allocated three billion to replace the bus fleet and 390 million to favor the rental of private vehicles. These are initiatives that should be based on a regional level ”.
On the possible reorganization: “We must accelerate the responses that the country expects, today the budget law is approved and the next urgent step is Recovery. There have been meetings with the delegations and after the technical draft now we have to do the political synthesis, the political synthesis is urgent, it must be done in the next few days and the holidays are not valid. We must open ourselves to discussions with the social partners, send the update document to Parliament as soon as possible or we run the risk of being late. It is a historic occasion and we must proceed to this comparison, the attitude of constructive criticism prepares us to arrive first at a synthesis. We must not waste this heritage and we must not waste the historic opportunity offered by the Recovery Plan. This government was born in the fully political sign, it was born in the sign of sustainable development. We will discuss priorities and we will all be called to assume their respective responsibilities. A prime minister does not challenge anyone, he has the responsibility of making a political synthesis and carrying out a government program. As long as I am there there will always be clear and frank passages, all the protagonists of these passages will assume their responsibilities ”.
About the Covid-19 vaccine: “To Italy 470 thousand weekly doses. Reasonably for January we will reach 2 million 370 thousand. Parliament approved the plan on December 2. Italy will prove to be up to the task. By January, there will be more than 2 million doses. I’ll wait my turn to do it. We will have the first significant results when phase 1 ends, with 10-15 million people vaccinated, not before April, therefore. No to the compulsory nature of vaccines ”.
On the situation in prisons: “For the situation of the prisons, in such a complex period there are more concerns that are added. If I may, as a whole, fortunately, the situation is under control due to the pandemic, out of 53 thousand inmates we have 844 positive Covid cases, of which 35 symptomatic, only 25 hospitalized. In general, the precautions taken, I verified, we succeeded I am. The most general problems are squared in the confrontation with the political forces, any systemic intervention can only go from a political synthesis. However, there was relief, because about 2,000 inmates benefited from some measures. Other measures must be examined and discussed with the majority forces represented in Parliament. There is also the maximum willingness to invest in prison construction to improve the conditions of the penitentiary centers and also for the prison police: we have planned extraordinary recruits for some 2,000 new units, earmarked around 3.5 million for the payment of overtime . The situation of the prisons is under the attention of the government, all discussions of solutions are on the agenda and we will have to discuss them all together ”.
On the future of the government: “I am here to plan for the future, I could never get away from this goal and start planning a role in the election campaign. There are two aspects that I cannot make my own. One is ultimatums, they don’t belong in my luggage. In his last speech, the last one in February 1978, Moro said that ultimatums are not admissible in politics, they mean rushing things and preventing a solution. I am in favor of dialogue and discussion and I find a synthesis for the country ”.
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