Live government crisis: Conte resigns, the first consultations will start tomorrow


Rome, January 26, 2021 – The chronicle of the day of passion for the government that resigns:

13.40: Salvini anticipates the spirit of the afternoon meeting with his family: “While Conte resigns and Pd, 5Stelle and Renzi fight, the League is now meeting with the political secretariat. Faced with a clear NO to the loss of time and sloppy governments sons of parliamentarians for sale, with mayors and governors we are working to solve the problems related to the dismissal fund that does not reach, to reimbursements and phantom snacks, to a vaccination plan very late. and the doctors promised by the government and not yet arrived at the hospitals, the safe reopening of schools, the restart of shops, bars, restaurants, gyms, sports facilities and cultural realities. Others fight for armchairs and to earn a living, we take care of real life and Italians. The thesis is clear: voting for him (and Meloni) is the only way out.

1:15 PM: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte leaves Palazzo Giustiniani after meeting with the President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, for about half an hour.

12.57: Laga leader Matteo Salvini confirms the center-right No Compact to a Conte Ter government.

12.46: After leaving the Quirinal, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrived at Palazzo Giustiniani to announce his resignation to the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. Immediately afterwards, the prime minister will pass to the Chamber, to President Roberto Fico.

12.30 pm: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte left the Quirinal after being received by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, whom he resigned. The meeting lasted about half an hour.

12.25 pm: Matteo Salvini, at 12 noon the Federal Council of the League meets. We will discuss the next movements of the center-right and how to go to the Quirinale. According to a large party of the Via Bellerio party, at the moment the hypothesis is that the opposition forces should be separated in the Colle. But the coalition summit in the afternoon will be decisive. FI’s position differs from that of the Lega and the Fdi, which now only aim at voting, do not contemplate a count or alternatives. So not so much to a possible government of the Democratic Party (“We will never be together with the dem”, explains the same source), nor to a government of national unity. This last hypothesis is not excluded by the forcers.

12:00 h: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has just arrived at the Quirinal to be received by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to resign. Meanwhile, the meeting between the government and the regions, scheduled for 4 in the afternoon, on the Recovery Fund is missing. Minister Francesco Boccia, after listening to the President of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, and the Presidents of Anci and Upi, Antonio Decaro and Michele de Pascale, canceled the meeting which should also have been attended by the President of the Conte Council. The group of Directors was born in the Senate.

11.30 a.m. compact center-right in the no a Count ter. “The center-right formed by Forza Italia, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia will make the same decisions, putting its own cohesion before any other hypothesis. We are a coalition at the service of Italy. We will move forward together because that is what Italians want, who see us as the future and a sure guarantee of the country’s government, ”says Forza Italia senator Maurizio Gasparri. From the Pd new openings in Renzi. A return of Renzi in the majority? “No one can veto anyone, never say never in politics. We read with great interest that Renzi says that there should be no vetoes on Conte, let’s start here for a quick but solid reasoning, ”says Debora Serracchiani, vice president of the Democratic Party.

11:15 am: the Five Star Movement squares around the premiere. “Our position to get out of this absurd government crisis is clear: after Conte is Conte. Political games do not interest us and they do not belong to our way of doing politics ”. This is said by Tiziana Beghin, head of the M5 delegation in the European Parliament. “The Prime Minister – he continues – has returned Italy to the place it deserves in Europe. Thanks to your authority, we have initiated that change in European policies that is necessary for citizens to trust the European Union again. From the Recovery Fund to the suspension of the Stability and Growth Pact, from the New Green Pact to investments in digital. Thanks to the 5 Star Movement and Giuseppe Conte, this Europe no longer speaks the incomprehensible language of the Eurocrats, but gives the correct answers to the citizens who suffer ”.

11 am: very active in this phase, Forza Italia is in charge of specifying its position. Fifteen refugees from Forza Italia ready to pass the majority? “It’s a lie, Rocco Casalino throws fake names into the fray, lets them filter to create tension at parties or distract from real names.” Forza Italia Senator Andrea Cangini says so on Radio 24. “I ended up on that too and I’m still mad, but Conte won’t get a chance to widen the majority, he cheated on this and also bragged to the Head of State.” The Democratic Party also appears: “The approval of Conte’s resignation should serve to help find a larger majority in Parliament. Conte appeals to the pro-European, socialist and liberal forces for a legislative pact that ensures a strong government that knows how to efficiently and authoritatively manage the pandemic crisis, the vaccine plan, the resources of the Recovery. The vote would be negative given the problems facing the country. We think there are no alternatives to the majority that Conte supported. It’s about building a bigger and stronger majority. If this is not possible, there is a risk of voting. And the Democratic Party is not afraid to vote ”. Thus Franco Mirabelli, vice president of the Democratic senators.

10.45 am: the statements of politicians on the stage multiply. Giorgio Mulé, spokesman for the parliamentary groups of Forza Italia, reiterates Berlusconi’s position: “Government of national unity or vote”. The ally “Cambiamo”, led by deputies Stefano Benigni, Manuela Gagliardi, Claudio Pedrazzini, Giorgio Silli and Alessandro Sorte, explicitly mentions the name of Mario Draghi as head of a new executive. Emma Bonino proposes to replicate in Italy the majority that supports the European Commission, which in Italy would reach Forza Italia. It remains to understand the position of the Colle, of which, as usual, no rumors are leaking at the moment.

10.30 am – Da Mattarella Conte brings her proposal to expand the majority: a government of national responsibility, open to moderates and liberals of the center, but without Lega and Fdi. “Now we will see if I was the target,” says the premier. “Conte is right today to resign, because the challenges facing the country are difficult and demanding, and objectively they could not be faced with a solitary, fragile majority, with a majority in fact divided or the result of an improvised recruitment in Parliament.” The opening appears to come from Mariastella Gelmini, leader of the Forza Italia group in the Chamber. We have faith in President Mattarella, we have never called elections because we know that this is a time of extreme difficulty in which politics cannot be divided and time cannot be wasted. But a reissue of the same majority that supported Count bis, with the same weaknesses, would not make any sense ”.

10 am – Conte announces his resignation from the Council of Ministers and thanks each of the department heads.

9 o’clock. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte is at Palazzo Chigi. The Council of Ministers will start shortly in
which the premier will communicate his resignation, and then pass to Colle.

But let’s take a step back. Giuseppe Conte’s “longest” morning started early, with the certainty that the head of government would have the intention of resign from the council of ministers to then go up to the Quirinale and formalize the decision to President Mattarella with all the trappings of bureaucracy. Except for last-minute surprises, the path seems set and the course also: that of a new executive headed once again by the current prime minister. It would be Count ter. The only hypothesis that the Pd, M5S and Leu take into consideration, the attempt to form a parliamentary group of “responsible” – outside the opposition or IV not aligned with Renzi – in the Senate, in which Conte no longer enjoys. the support of a definite majority. The negotiations and discussions with the “builders” did not have the desired effect, so it only remains to take a step back and then move on.

This is what happens now


But who would support Count ter? We look to the center, of course, to that UDC that has declared that it wants to stay in the center right, to the discontent with Forza Italia and also with Italia Viva, although Dem and pentastellati no longer want to hear from Matteo Renzi. But the stakes are high. Consultations at the Quirinale will begin on Wednesday and will be short and concise. Mattarella does not want to drag the crisis further while Conte asks for guarantees before accepting a new position.


The opposition, meanwhile, is divided: Lega and FdI invoke the ballot box, Berlusconi calls for a broad-based government first republic style while Renzi watches waiting to formalize the IV line closely. Certainly tomorrow, with a government that resigns, Minister Bonafede’s justice report will not be discussed in the Senate where otherwise the Count bis would have received a certain defeat.
