
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to the Chamber of Deputies for communications on the political situation in Italy.
Communications are ongoing in the Chamber. The debate will last until 3.30 p.m., at 5 p.m. the Prime Minister’s responses are scheduled and then the explanations of vote and the vote of confidence, scheduled around 8.30 p.m. In the morning session there were 77 deputies on mission.
Upon entering the Chamber in the Chamber, the Prime Minister was greeted with applause by M5S, Leu and Pd, the immobile IV deputies; The League deputies yelled “Buuh!”
On the government bench in the chamber, at a safe distance from each other, in addition to the prime minister are the ministers Azzolina and De Micheli, the heads of delegation of the M5s and the ruling deputies, Franceschini and Bonafede, then the
ministers Gualtieri, Di Maio, Fraccaro, Speranza.
The communications lasted about 55 minutes and were punctuated by fourteen cheers from the majority. Of these, only one was shared by some deputies of IV, the one related to the announcement of the next appointment of a delegated authority for the secret services.
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s speech
“At the beginning of this government experience, in 2019, he envisaged a clear political project for the country. I specified that the program cannot be resolved in a mere list of heterogeneous proposals or in a sterile sum of positions of the majority forces. An alliance between formations coming from histories, experiences, cultures of different origins and that in the past had faced harshly, could only be born from two discriminators. The firm anchoring to the constitutional values and the solid European vocation of the country ”.
Still: “From the beginning I worked so that the perspective of a broad and courageous reform plan emerged” to “configure a new supply season” based on “sustainability, social and territorial cohesion, in the full development of the human person. And even today “there is a vision.”
Then: “We have cultivated a close dialogue” with all “the institutional interlocutors, aware that only with loyal cooperation would it have been possible to develop effective intervention strategies.”
Conte adds: “Have we always made better decisions? Each one will express their evaluations. For my part, I can say that the government has worked with great care and attention for the delicate balances, including the constitutional ones. If today I can speak on behalf of the entire government with my head held high, it is not because of the arrogance of those who believe that they have not made mistakes but because of the conscience of those who have worked with all their physical and mental energy for the national community. The sense of responsibility of the opposition forces was also fundamental, which, despite the dialectic of politics, contributed to addressing critical passages. It must be recognized. You have also made specific, qualifying proposals, some of which have been accepted by the majority forces ”.
Still: “The single monthly check is part of a framework of interventions aimed at alleviating the tax burden on families. Starting in July, the “single monthly subsidy” for families with children under 21 years of age will be introduced “.
Then continue: “Precisely in the most critical moments of the country we must find the noblest and highest reasons of politics”, as a “service to the needs of the national community” and not as a “logic of power.” We cannot offer mediocre responses to society struggling to emerge from the pandemic. The government must be up to the task ”.
On the government crisis, in particular: “In the midst of the Covid pandemic and while those who have lost loved ones listen to us from home, I confess that I feel a certain discomfort. I am here today not to announce new support measures or the latest draft of the recovery plan, but to try to explain a crisis in which not only citizens but myself have a plausible basis. This government crisis it runs the risk of opening an insurmountable wound in the majority and in the country. Italy deserves a cohesive government to promote recovery and emerge from the pandemic. The Italian Recovery Plan will be a widely shared plan, a collective effort to be proud of ”.
Then: “The national interest is more than ever connected, as a result of our best constitutional tradition, to a system that enhances the specific needs of territorial realities, some of which, due to their linguistic and cultural specificities, deserve our full attention. Perhaps we are the only country that has involved parliament so often. I had anticipated it, our PNRR will be an effort to be proud of. However, it must be accompanied by a measure to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and ensure quick deadlines, reinforce those safeguards that make it possible to respect deadlines and ensure the progress of the work ”.
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