“I am with Paola Taverna, listen to it ”. Signed Carlo Calenda. But how, the leader of Action Sent from P.S for the alliance with 5 star movement now “marry” with the passionflower grillina? The most distracted will have had a good headache, but the most attentive will have caught the “troll” of the former minister on Twitter. The ironic post hides a political truth: Calenda shared an interview with La Taverna del 2016, to say “no” to the constitutional referendum of Matteo renzi which also included cutting parliamentarians. “Excellent reasons to say #IoVotoNo,” says Calenda. “Was good sarcasm – explains the interested party -. Video of the Tavern in which he explains no to the 2016 Referendum using the reasons for NO to the Referendum that today votes YES. An Italian classic “.
The no de la Taberna a Renzi, explained the grillina four years ago, “was born from the desire to defend our Constitution, which is the heritage of Italy, the heritage of an important history made of democracy. We say ‘no’ –he added– because, in actually, there is no savings cheap, there isn’t one speeding up of the legislative process, there is nothing they are telling you … “Courses, resources and coherence.