lines of ambulances, oxygen finished and patients crowded


edited by Antonio Musella, Gaia Martignetti and Peppe Pace

The increase in infections in Campania is putting the health of sanitary facilities in the region to the test. 118 ambulances buzz at any time of the day or night to help Covid-19 patients. The Ospedale del Mare and the Cardarelli hospital, the largest in the south, are the two main hospitals in the city of Naples and are subject to an impressive amount of work. The two largest emergency rooms in the city welcome suspected Covid patients all the time. A situation that has led to a dramatic scenario in which the safety distances between patients have jumped, while the lines of waiting ambulances are an almost daily scenario. We went to see the situation at night and we can show them images that portray the hellish scenario in which the patients arrive.

Sea Hospital: “No oxygen, it looks like Kabul”

Pictures of the Ospedale del Mare emergency room show Covid and non-Covid patients in the same settings, on stretchers, divided by practically nothing. Under these conditions, the possibility of transmitting the virus is very high. The elderly and the elderly are crammed with beds and stretchers attached to each other. There is no space, the influx of patients is continuous. The beds are exhausted, they are released with the dropper, so everyone remains in the emergency room. We meet one of the nurses in the Ospedale del Mare emergency room, she asks us to remain anonymous (the edict of Vincenzo De Luca that prevents doctors and nurses from speaking to the media unless authorized by the crisis unit that he presided, generated terror among medical-health personnel). “It seems to me that Kabul, Baghdad, in a western country such scenes are not tolerable – he explains – We no longer know where to put people, this situation takes weeks“. The risk of contagion adds to the hospital scene of war seen in the emergency room:”There are no longer areas for Covid patients and areas for non-Covid patients – He tells us – everything is confused, patients who log in for other problems become Covid. Buds are being created“.

The images collected by in recent days also show the lines of ambulances waiting in the emergency room overcrowding: “The patients wait in the ambulance for now outside the emergency room, they are also treated in the ambulance by doctors and nurses, from us in Ospedale del Mare we have reached up to 7 ambulances in a row“But the most dramatic aspect refers to the lack of oxygen. On November 4, the hospital pharmacy reported depletion of oxygen supplies, essential to ventilate patients affected by Covid 19. A situation that has remained dramatic even in the following days, with few supplies that are destined almost all to the emergency room. A scenario also denounced by a letter sent by a score of doctors to the health management of the hospital: “Patients are received and treated in unsafe spaces that are not adapted to the gravity of the situation. – write the doctors – separate paths are omitted. We reject any liability arising from this situation and request urgent action.“.

Cardarelli: “The emergency room is a hospital”

The images that come from Cardarelli They are very similar to those of the Ospedale del Mare. Here, Covid and non-Covid patients in the ER are simply divided by a curtain. In recent days, however, the increase in influx has led to a greater mix that also involved the OBI, short intensive observation, the area that is immediately after the emergency room and from where patients should be classified to others. departments. . The daughter of an old man who is in the OBI of Cardarelli tells us about it, who sent us more images of the situation: “Patients are all mixed, Covid and not Covid“.

Rodolfo nasti is a union doctor from ANAOO Assomed: “During the night we have the zenith of the accesses, everyone rushes to the emergency room and in this condition it is impossible to keep the paths between Covid and non-Covid separate, in these conditions the emergency room becomes a hospital“. A few days ago the installation of a Red Cross field hospital began in the Cardarelli hospital parking lot which should provide additional beds for the structure, but for now it is not known how it will work, with which doctors and with which nurses: “There is a marquee, a field hospital, but to date we do not know who will operate it. – explains Nasti – Army personnel were coming but for now all is quiet“.

“We had to make the ants and not the cicadas”: why are we so small?

It had to be ants and not cicadas – explains the nurse at Ospedale del Mare – accumulate stocks of medicines, health facilities, especially staff, doctors, nurses “. Yes, because the question that must be asked is: how is it possible that Campania has been reduced like this? How is it possible that a region that 8 months ago was among the least affected by Covid 19 has been eliminated? You just had to get organized. “Many times for us who work here – emphasizes the nurse – It seems to us that these elections are taken from above, by politicians, technicians from other sectors and not by doctors, who should understand something.“The fact is that beyond the numbers, the yellow, red or orange areas, Neapolitan hospitals are full:”We no longer know where to put them – concludes the nurse – we have no more places, we have nowhere to put them, I personally would never want to find myself in this situation, in the situation of needing first aid, right now“.
