
Barcelona. “It is indisputable that there is a community broadcast of the virus a Madrid and that the health of the people of Madrid must be protected. The Community of Madrid has chosen not to do anything, we could not stop acting ”, explains the decision of the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa. government Spanish to apply the state of alarm to 9 municipalities in the Community of Madrid, including the capital. With the measures already in force for a week, including the territorial confinement, annulled yesterday by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid on appeal by the Community.
The freedom of movement of people is restricted
The state of alarm thus provides legal coverage to limit the freedom of movement of people, after the TSJM considered inappropriate the ministerial act of September 30 and its implementation by the Community, which imposed the confinement of the municipalities. Spanish with a Cumulative Incidence Index of 1,000. However, the corresponding court of Castilla y León has instead approved similar measures in its territory. Because in the conflict between the Community of Madrid and the Spanish government there is no legal claim or respect for competition, but rather an ideological content. The popular Isabel Díaz Ayuso, president of the community, leads a government coalition PP-Ciudadanos with external support from Vox. His opposition to the Spanish executive comes from the period of de-escalation since the confinement, with the rush to get out of it, favoring economic recovery over health. “Madrid cannot be closed,” Madrid cannot be closed, Ayuso has repeatedly argued in recent weeks. But a public health weakened by the cuts and privatizations of the last decade, the lack of an adequate traceability system and the erratic measures to reduce the transmission of the virus have made Madrid the city with the highest number of infections in Europe. Just two weeks ago Ayuso and Sánchez seemed to have reached an agreement for the joint management of the epidemic, there was an agreement between the two administrations flown by Madrid a few hours later. And therefore the confinement imposed by the government, respected and appealed by the Community. After yesterday’s sentence, the Community of Madrid refused to meet with the Ministry of Health for a shared solution, then asked for more time. Too much, on the eve of a weekend in which Monday is a holiday in Spain.
Sánchez issued a state of alarm from Barcelona, where he had accompanied the king to an awards ceremony for some computer companies. No Catalan institution went to receive the monarch, accused of having covered the flight abroad of King Emeritus Juan Carlos, overwhelmed by the corruption scandal and tax fraud. Independencia built a bonfire with her image, went out into the street, arranging herself in a human chain with the motto “Catalonia has no king.
Felipe VI returned to Barcelona two weeks after the government prevented him from going due to a political opportunity on the eve of the incapacitation of President Torra, where he was supposed to attend the opening ceremony of the General Council of the Judiciary. Something that had aroused the ire of Carlos Lesmes, who is its president, despite the fact that his position has expired for two years. Because the PP refuses to renew the leaders of the Spanish justice having a majority. And he uses this prerogative to oppose the Sánchez government. As in the case that is being mounted against the vice president and leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias. That a judge accuses, without evidence as he himself admits, of having invented a conspiracy against him to obtain political income and returns the case to the Supreme Court. Now it is up to the Supreme Court to decide whether to impute the vice president or dismiss the case. Sánchez and the PSOE support Iglesias, the right wing calls for his resignation and intends to blow up the government.
Last updated: 21:39