Like, the man who stabbed the priest would be expelled in April


The Tunisian arrested on the murder charges of Don Roberto Malgesini, the 51-year-old priest stabbed on Tuesday morning in Como in Piazza San Rocco, a few steps from the church and the portico where the priest welcomed and helped, was to be expelled last April. migrants and homeless people. The North African who confessed to the police that he had stabbed him was one of the immigrants to whom Don Roberto offered help and assistance. Numerous aliases are still being examined by the Como researchers, the 53-year-old Tunisian has lived in Italy for over twenty years and had also been married to an Italian woman from whom he separated for some time.

The expulsion jumped

Irregular since 2014, the North African received a first expulsion decree in 2015, to which other measures would later be added. The expulsion from Italy was expected last April, but never took place, apparently due to the health emergency. However, the Como prosecutor is conducting further investigations to define in detail the situation of the immigrant accused of murder.

Psychic disorders

Shortly after the crime, the same diocese of Como had also spoken of “mental disorders.” At the moment there would be no certified pathologies for which the 53-year-old man is being treated. On this front too, investigations are still ongoing.

September 15, 2020 (change September 15, 2020 | 4:55 pm)

