Liguria towards the expansion of the orange zone, Toti: “We must not give up now”


Liguria. “My belief, also shared by Minister Speranza, is that it is important at this time that the epidemic goes down. I believe that stay a few days in the orange zone until the renewal of the Dpcm that expires on December 3, with containment measures that have already yielded excellent results, both one choice appropriate“.

With these words live from the Sant’Andrea hospital in La Spezia the Ligurian president Giovanni All confirms the line announced for days. And is that Liguria is yes “one of the three regions that lead the decline in infections along with Lazio and Sardinia” and therefore would have numbers in the yellow zone, but at the same time.we must not lose attention which has allowed us to achieve these results. “

The address, therefore, is that of one orange zone extension that for Liguria it would naturally expire on November 25, when the fifteen days of minimum validity of the ordinance of the Ministry of Health provided by the current Dpcm have elapsed. “In the afternoon – Toti confirms – I spoke extensively with Speranza’s ministry. It will be the control room in Rome, with the technical scientific committee and the Higher Institute of Health, to decide what will happen in the next few hours ”.

But the line is already drawn and the restrictive measures will likely remain in effect until December 3, a date from which the new decree will come into force that will not change the color system, but which may be supported by a different risk assessment mechanism than the one requested by Toti and the governors of the other regions.

“Obviously,” Toti- concludes, we all hope that in the face of these sacrifices, the government also intends to allow the economy to breathe after a long apnea. A Christmas would be dramatic without the reopening of hotels and restaurants in the big cities ”.
