Work from home in Liguria is 10% in the private sector. But there are problems with transportation, cleaning and catering.
Genoa – At Mesa di Savona, smart work has been a success. “We were already equipped with the computer equipment and, above all, with the appropriate culture. It took a day, when the confinement broke out ». Mesa is an excellence set on the university campus, closely linked with the universities of Genoa and Milan, about thirty employees, is in charge of providing media companies and technological organizations.
“It went so well – explains marketing director Elisabetta Balbi – that even in the recovery after the emergency we confirmed it, for those who want. You don’t always have to be in the office for certain jobs, in fact. It depends on the jobs.
Dall ‘hello technology to Ligurian food production, the most typical. At the Carli oil plant in Imperia there are usually 320 people present; during the Covid emergency there were only 92 left, others worked from home: “Employees are excited about smart work.” And business was not affected, confirming the success of this formula.
At the resumption of September, how many employees are there in Liguria who have not yet returned to their jobs, using so-called “agile” methods? About ten percent of individuals, although it is probably an underestimated figure because it was processed exclusively in communications from the company that have reached the Ministry of Labor to date. Then there are almost half the audience.
The next few months could even mark an increase: Aidp, the association of personnel managers, estimates that “for 20, -30 percent of companies, smart work will be confirmed even after the end of the emergency, although obviously reduced compared to recent months.
If in the new way of working (tried and tested for Covid) many companies see interesting perspectives to reduce costs, it does not go so well with the public. «Here – explains Pierluigi Vinai, CEO of Anci Liguria, the association of municipalities – employees in smart work are 8 to 2 in relation to the private sector. In smaller realities, this situation causes great difficulties in the provision of services. and often also in the bigger ones ”. An emblematic case is the Region. “We are trying to reach an agreement with the staff to give certain and stable rules,” explains councilor Gianni Berrino. But how many are still at home? “About 1100 out of 1700.”
Other realities do not follow any particular order. At Imperia, out of 310 employees, 15% work smart. In San Remo (400 employees) 20 returned permanently, 60% turnover, 20% work from home. At Finale, half of the workers stay home for 2 days. At Vado, 16 out of 50 employees stay home 10-12 days a month. In Alassio, 30 percent of the workforce works smart, the same percentage in Cairo with a “vertical” shift: 3 days at home, 3 at the office. Half and half also in La Spezia, 20 percent in Albenga.
It is an irregular situation, quite anarchic in itself and dependent only on the organization and the decisions of the administrators, which in many situations is provoking protests from citizens. In the absence of a collective agreement that regulates agile work, the only form of agreement is personnel.
The president of Confindustria Genova, Giovanni Mondini, also speaks of a very complicated situation: «Yes For some companies, smart work may represent an opportunity for the future.On the way to face, however, we must not forget all the negative consequences that this experience is causing ».
Mondini talks about the repercussions on all the activities aimed precisely at the mobility of citizens: «The desertification of the centers is having a very severe impact on the restaurant services. We also speak, for example, of cleaning companies, which are seeing the number of requests fall. Again, the company canteens. Again, and we don’t talk about it, the facility managers. All those who control the activities of a company in terms of security, telecommunications, maintenance and supplies.
«Once again – concludes Mondini – we must take damage into account that the reduced number of passengers on the move is already causing the budgets of transport companies ”.