“Light” blocking is evaluated: here is Conte’s new plan


A new Dpcm would mean admitting the failure of the “three colors” strategy. IT IS Giuseppe Conte, which cannot afford it, it takes time to avoid the widespread lockdown. But the epidemic gallops and the health system is in danger of not holding out. One more squeeze is needed to avoid puckering and rounding the curve immediately. The premier, however, in order not to give the idea of ​​sailing in sight, reducing the consensus that is already falling, is not going to change his strategy. “We cannot dismantle the scientific criteria that we have built with the latest Dpcm”, Conte repeats. The limit set by the CTS scientists is the weekend: “Between now and Sunday we will understand if the curve goes one way or the other”.

Towards the “light” lock

The plan that the government is considering is to toughen without denying the three-gang mechanism introduced with the last Dpcm. How to close without taking responsibility for doing so? Blaming the local authorities emerges once again as the easiest way to go. And the regional autonomy in health matters granted by the “reviled” reform of Title V is a perfect alibi. Come the weekend with Italy “closed” for Covid, through a cross-game of orders from the Minister of Health, governors and mayors to quietly address a new but soft lockout. A emergency shutdown “light”: businesses, factories and professional activities open, bars and restaurants closed in almost the entire national territory. The knot of schools has not yet been resolved. Some ministers and governors would like to suspend face-to-face lessons even in the first cycle, while Minister Lucía Azzolina remains “categorically against.”

Pressuring the culprit: the blockade will be “local”

The first to pay the next squeeze will be precisely those types of businesses that would have obtained an exemption in the red zones: only groceries, pharmacies, drugstores, kiosks and tobacconists would remain open. Action must be taken before November 15, the crucial date abandoned by the technicians. By Sunday, the government expects that at least three-quarters of the regions will be in the orange or red band, either in application of the parameters contained in the Dpcm, or thanks to the measures taken by the governors. Hence the pressure strategy that Conte, with the ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia, is exercising on the presidents of the Regions and on the mayors, to unleash more restrictive measures: from the total blockade in the Municipalities where the outbreaks have exploded, until the closure of roads, squares and streets of the “struscio” with high rates of agglomeration, leaving free passage only to residents. A plan already put into practice on Tuesday, November 10, with pressure from Boccia and Speranza on the presidents of the four Regions in the odor of degradation. “Everything must be insured by November – Boccia warned in one of the many calls, as reported The Corriere della Sera -. Any necessary intervention must be done on a territorial scale ”. And the strategy of the blame game is already a reality.
