Light a fire to warm up: 44-year-old worker burned in face and legs


Serious work accident shortly after seven in the morning on Tuesday inside the Lombarda artifact company in via Levate in Osio Sotto. A 44-year-old employee, to protect himself from the cold, started a fire in a metal container where he had placed firewood.

Since the tin container previously contained flammable resin, used at the company for its own processing, the residual material present gave rise to a sudden and violent flame that struck the worker, whose clothing immediately caught fire.

A colleague came to the rescue, helped the injured man remove his clothes and called for help.

The emergency rescue ambulance intervened at the scene and transported the injured man in code yellow to the emergency room of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, with burns on his face and lower limbs.

After the first treatments, the worker was transferred to the Center for Major Burns of the Hospital of Verona.

The Carabinieri and the technical staff of ATS, Prevention and Safety at Work of Bergamo OVEST intervened on site to investigate the case.

“The practice of lighting fires in the patios and open spaces of companies and construction sites to keep warm is unfortunately still widespread: it must be remembered that this is not allowed. And absolutely, milk and containers that have previously contained solvent-based chemicals, glues, paints or otherwise flammable should not be used for this purpose, because the residues remain highly flammable for a long period. To warm personnel working outdoors, specially designed, safe radiation heating equipment is available that can be installed in open workplaces, ”says Dr. Sergio Piazzolla, Head of the Specialized Area of ​​Hygiene and Safety at Work – Management Office, Unit for Prevention and Safety at Workplaces, Department of Hygiene and Health Prevention ATS of Bergamo.
