Life after the negative buffer. How does one behave once cured?


There are now more than 300,000 abandoned patients recovered from Covid-19. The number does not take into account the asymptomatic, those who, despite not having symptoms, continue to contribute to the transmission of the virus. The ISS estimates them at a percentage of around 58%: the majority of patients. Therefore, two opposite situations. On the one hand, home isolation is sufficient, on the other, hospitalization may not be sufficient. But once these two types of patients become negative, how should they behave towards each other? Try to reply to Dr. Nicola Mumoli, Head of Internal Medicine at Fornaroli Hospital in Magenta, among the first in Italy to have started a post-Covid clinic. Mumoli also contracted the virus and will soon have to undergo a second swab. “When I refuse I will go back to the hospital and obviously I will have to respect all the rules, but this applies to everyone.”

Doctor, what should an asymptomatic patient or a patient with mild symptoms do after negativization?

Those who are now negative and have had mild symptoms should behave as if they have never contracted Covid. The virus could also mutate, making it necessary for asymptomatic people or people who have had mild symptoms to follow the same prescriptions as a person who has never contracted the virus. Remember: distance, use of the mask and frequent hand washing. This applies to everyone. It is not acceptable that, for example, a negative patient goes without a mask as if nothing had happened.

And for those who became seriously ill?

In this case it is different. We are talking about around 20-30% of patients, people with severe respiratory failure, with 2/3 of their lungs affected by Covid-19 pneumonia. These patients not only have to comply with all the prescriptions, but they must be followed in a post-Covid laboratory to make sure that the virus has not left scars. We were among the first to establish a post-Covid room. We have also been following patients for 3 months. Not only that: after the negativization, the patient who has had severe symptoms should also be followed from the psychological point of view. Terrible symptoms such as shortness of breath or the obligation to live in isolation without loved ones, are factors that should not be underestimated from this moment of life.

Let’s take an example: two negative patients have to go back to work, one had severe symptoms and the other was asymptomatic. Can they have two different behaviors?

All patients, whether serious or asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, sooner or later become negative, but the behavior to be followed does not change and above all does not depend on the symptoms.

How does a negative patient test his recovery?

The national decree establishes that the competent Local Health Authority provide the negative patient with a certificate proving his recovery and therefore the possibility, for example, of returning to school or work. However, it must be clarified that this is not a certificate of immunity, the latter has not yet been tested. To do this, you will have to wait for the vaccine.

So after having Covid, a person cannot be considered immune.

Our studies say that some patients have neutralizing antibodies for six months, but this news should not lead to bad behavior. The virus is fought with the mask and the space, it is valid for who has had the virus and who has not. It is not clear whether the virus mutates or not. If it did, as with the flu, there would be a risk of contracting another type of Covid-19. But there is still no certainty about it.

How will you behave when you return to the hospital?

I will work as if I had never gotten the virus. I have had moderate symptoms: dry cough, high fever, taste disturbances, and headache. But when I refuse I will go back to the hospital and obviously I will have to respect all the necessary precautions, there is no doubt.

In your opinion, is there still little awareness of the behaviors to follow?

Yes, there is less awareness than in March or April, and this necessarily leads to incorrect behaviors that only contribute to the increase in infections. Hospitals are full, you need responsibility, otherwise you will not go out.
