(ANSA) – TRIPOLI, DECEMBER 25 – Marshal Khalifa Haftar, the strongman of eastern Libya, has invited his forces to take up arms to “expel the Turkish occupier”, while talks are underway to bring the country back out of neutral.
“We must remember today that there will be no peace in the presence of a colonizer in our land,” the marshal warned in reference to Ankara, whose parliament this week approved a motion extending the authorization to deploy soldiers in Libya by 18 months. . “Then we will take up arms to shape our peace with our own hands and, as Turkey rejects peace and opts for war, we will be prepared to expel the occupier with faith, will and arms,” he said in a statement. speech on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the country’s independence.
Fayez al Sarraj’s government of national unity is recognized by the UN and supported by Turkey. Instead, Haftar has the support of Russia and the United Arab Emirates. (HANDLE).