Posted by Daniele Simonelli – Masks are always a must indoors, pretty much the same even outdoors, but at 25/30 inside a school classroom you can magically run out of it, even when distances are really on the edge of the vaunted subway.
This is the vague schizophrenia of rules that only make sense to Minister Azzolina and to an increasingly confused CTS. I pass through these classrooms almost every morning of my week (unlike the aforementioned minister and CTS) and I guarantee you that the subway is often an illusion (the children move in the chairs and the narrow subway becomes a few centimeters in a blink of an eye) and does not breathe much health security.
Meanwhile, the cases are on the rise (today the new record) and the debate on distance education to safeguard public transport ignites, but nobody really cares about the fate of the school, nobody has thought to put on the mask, always, even within schools. This “no obligation” decision has become an inexplicable banner, and only a few school leaders have wisely circumvented this rule by wearing a mask even at the desk (for some, warnings have even been triggered to abide by the rules by the regional offices). I hope the debate moves to this option to be reviewed and not to the actual performance, represented by distance education.
Going back in time without even trying to save what could be saved would be disastrous and would show once again that the school cares for practically no one except for its role as “babysitter” or for filling its mouth with high-sounding speeches about the Constitution on future of our nation.