Let’s wait for Conte in the Senate. Elections? We will not vote »- Corriere.it


Senator Matteo Renzi, do you withdraw the Italian delegation alive in government?
«Ministers Bellanova and Bonetti and Undersecretary Scalfarotto are serious people. They are in government because they have ideas, not because of pride. If these ideas are not to your liking, we are not like the others: we leave the armchairs. I understand that in times of populism this sounds extravagant, but politics can be done even without institutional positions. Today it is up to the prime minister to decide whether what we have said about vaccines, Mes, the works to be unblocked, the school and the culture, is worth mentioning or not ”.

It seems that the premier has changed his attitude and wants to sign an agreement with her.
“I don’t know where this impression of yours comes from. I know that on the last day of the year, the lawyer Conte defected from the Senate where we were discussing a budget law to be approved in 24 hours, without the possibility of making modifications under penalty of provisional exercise. We have been forced to participate in this scandal by the delays of the executive and the entire Senate has expressed regret at the mortification of Parliament. At the time, instead of going to the House to apologize, the president chose to hold a press conference without even politely waiting for the senators to finish the job. And at that press conference, ironically, Conte responded to the requests from Italia viva saying: “See you in Parliament.” Let’s meet in the Senate, so what else can I say? ».

Do you think that the prime minister wanted the help of a group of “leaders”, displaced by the opposition?
“Yep. They tried and the very dry response of the groups that refer to Cesa’s secretary and President Toti weakened the project. In the end, the aid to the” responsible “operation came only from Senator Mastella, who was generous thinking on what the Grillini had said about her and her family in the past. Not generous enough, perhaps, to warrant the strategies of the prime minister’s leading thinkers, some editorialists who suggested he replace Italy alive. If they want a showdown we are there: it is called democracy and nobody has ever died of democracy ».

Do you understand that Minister Gualtieri is complying with your requests on the recovery plan?
«Gualtieri has captured the value of our criticisms. We want to put all the political forces in front of the historical passage that we are living: the Recovery plan is the last chance for Italy, a window that will allow us to invest in the future of our children for a short time. This plan had been drawn up quickly, without sharing and with absurd figures: do you think that for “youth and employment” there was less money for the next six years than in this Budget law for cashback? What madness is that? A document that not even some ministers have read. I think it is serious to ask for competition. And I am sure that Gualtieri is working to improve the plan. I couldn’t make things worse if I wanted to, it’s technically impossible.

In this battle of yours, did you feel supported or not by the Democratic Party? And of Luigi Di Maio?
“I felt supported by those who love this country. I know Pd. It is a great community made up of very different people. In many points there was harmony. The interview with Messenger Service Yesterday’s Zanda is a perfect synthesis of what was meant to be and what was not. Many Democrats ask me not to abandon the battle so that spending goes to investments and not to bonuses. And with the other parliamentarians we share the idea that a legislature can only get up if reforms are made: like a bicycle that finds its balance only by pedaling, because if it stops it falls. So there are convergences with the Democratic Party. As for Di Maio, no. I haven’t heard from him for several weeks. And I sincerely struggle to understand how the foreign minister of the country that receives the most resources from the EU can say no to the ESM because of the former sovereign rusts. We are the worst in terms of death / population, we have a health expenditure per capita that is half that of Germany, we have vaccinated a third of the people who were vaccinated in Germany: rejecting health resources is inexplicable. I hope that the pro tempore tenant of the Farnesina can explain it to my fellow Grillini: they are no longer the ones who went hand in hand with the yellow vests. Today they are pro-European, they should remember that.

So shall we go to an earl? Or a new executive?
I don’t know what formula will prevail. I know that it is time to focus the interest of Italy and Italians against partisan selfishness. The call of the President of the Republic in the end of the year message for the reasons of the “builders” to prevail seems wise and enlightening to me ».

Is it true that you will accept an agreement by taking a minister and a few more undersecretaries?
“False. We are the only ones who resigned, but stories. But let’s talk about content, please. Let’s talk about vaccines: we have been asking for a strategic and logistical plan for months. Why are vaccines, after masks, tampons, Invitalia, They trust Arcuri? But who is he, Superman? We have been saying for months that the school needs monitoring and public transport, not 460 million euros for the absurd benches on wheels. We have been asking for more work incentives and fewer boaters for months. If it were a problem of ministries: the contents and the politics divide us, not the places ».

Did you understand why Conte doesn’t want to hand over the delegation to the secret services?
“No. And frankly, I don’t want to talk about that any more. There is an insurmountable institutional limit: Berlusconi, Prodi, D’Alema, Monti have chosen a person to entrust the secret services to. Not with you. However, we need someone to explained to us that with the institutions we must be cautious: our agents risk their lives for the institutions, not for a few more followers on Facebook. And the international situation would require much more professionalism than those who send the geolocation of secret meetings in Libya as did the Palazzo Chigi spokesman for mere visibility or media bridges when hostages are released – with notoriously unconventional methods – with long prison terms ”.

Are you afraid of the elections? They say their senators have it.
“I am not afraid of anything, and less of democracy. As for the eighteen senators from Italy alive, let me say that I am proud of them: they are resisting all forms of pressure, adulation, threat. There are newspapers that organize mail bombing and false payment profiles to attack them on social networks. But they are eighteen serious people. That they know how to do politics. And don’t be afraid of the elections. For two reasons. One, because elections are not scary to those who are used to measuring themselves with consensus, such as our colleagues who come from a good learning experience: more than half of them have been mayor or local administrator, have voted with preference, it is not the first experience. The second reason is even clearer: everyone knows that there will be no elections. We have to open the schools, not the polling stations. We need to increase the number of people vaccinated, not candidates. We need to write the recovery plan, not the election dream books. The elections scare those who would be decimated politically like the three hundred parliamentarians of the Five Star Movement, not the eighteen senators from living Italy.

January 4, 2021 (change January 4, 2021 | 09:30)

