Published on: 12/16/2020 9:14 PM
“Tomorrow we will meet” with Italia Viva “and we will see if the conditions exist to move forward stronger” but “it would be irresponsible to stop due to lack of internal clarification.” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, during the recording of ‘Accordi & Disaccordi’, expresses himself this way about the ‘government verification’ with the party led by Matteo Renzi.
“Italia Viva is a traveling companion, at this moment it is raising political problems and requests, we will discuss tomorrow. It is very important to find cohesion, share objectives and clarity of purpose, there are so many challenges that await us that fully sharing is necessary. “he added.
“We all have to take responsibility, Italia Viva is an essential component of this political project. We have to tell each other the things that are wrong and face them on their merits, not talk about them on TV. Tomorrow we will meet and see if the conditions exist to keep going stronger “but” it would be irresponsible to stop for lack of internal clarification. “
“I believe that a crisis would not be good not only for the country but for the entire electorate of the M5, the Democratic Party and the IV, who believe in a common path. When it is built, you need a lot of patience, ”continued the prime minister.
“A government cannot get ahead without the confidence of all the majority political forces, each political force has the maximum dignity. If there were not that support, it is useless to underline what the consequences would be,” added the premier.
The reorganization? “It can be the object of confrontation. If there are requests from political forces, the legitimate aspirations must be listened to and understood. For my part, there is a maximum willingness to understand, after which we will meet, pull the strings and see ”.
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